I am Greenman, an envoy of God. I'm here to protect the children. (私はグリーンマン、神の使い。子供を守る為にやってきた。)
— Greenman introducing himself (Go! Greenman episode 1, "Greenman vs. Garamedon") |
Greenman (グリーンマン is a warrior Gurīnman)mecha created by Toho that first appeared in the 1973 Toho and Nippon TV tokusatsu series Go! Greenman.
Greenman is the ninth tokusatsu hero to be created by Toho, the third of which to possess the ability to grow to giant size, and the first to be robotic. Greenman is a formidable warrior mecha hailing from Planet Green, and arrives on Earth proclaiming himself as an envoy of God. He is introduced as a protector of children and arch-nemesis of the devil king Maoh, boasting a slew of weapons and attacks throughout his 52 television appearances. Although an advanced fighting machine, Greenman is often overpowered and because of this, bestows devices known as Green Calls upon the children of Earth to signal him to them in their times of need, as well as to repair Greenman's machinery in his own. After valiantly battling and defeating all of Maoh's devilish underlings, Greenman infiltrates the demon king's subterranean lair, and single-handedly destroys the very origin of the world's evils before returning to the skies, confident in his triumph.
Although never established as canon to the original series, Greenman later appears in the Go! Godman movie, where he is signaled to Earth by Haruka Ayase to help defeat the Green Gargantua Gaira and its skeletal ally Shilarji. Greenman is able to form a bond with fellow space warrior Godman along the way, and ultimately saves the Earth for a second time.
Greenman's name was inspired by that of actress Midori Ebina, the then-host of Nippon TV's Good Morning! Kid's Show on which Go! Greenman was aired; her first name, Midori (美どり), is pronounced the same as the Japanese word for "green," midori (緑).[3]

Greenman was designed by Tsuguo Murase, elder brother of veteran monster modeler Keizo Murase.[4] The character was seemingly patterned after Southeast Asian Buddha statues, which gives it its unique style.[3] Greenman's suit was modeled by committee by staff members of Keizo's company Twenty Ltd., including Keizo himself. Keizo was initially reluctant upon being shown his brother's design, calling it "strange" and even likening the patterns on its chest to a ramen bowl. However, after being reassured that it was "alright to be ostentatious," he finished the design with the use of a number of imitations of gemstones which were rare at the time. The suit featured some decorative lighting, such as the lights in its eyes, all of which were handled by Toru Suzuki.[4]
Similar to Godman before him, Greenman was additionally portrayed using two scale miniatures.[4] One, in a neutral position, was sometimes used to portray Greenman at human size in comparison to one of the giant monsters, such as in "Greenman vs. Antguirus", as well as when he is shrunk by the Pattern Kaijin in "Greenman vs. Pattern Kaijin." The other, sporting longer, splayed arms,[4] was supplemented with shots of the suit to portray Greenman flying through the air.
34 years later, Greenman briefly reappeared in the 2008 Go! Godman anniversary special, and was the only character featured that did not need to have a completely new suit made. Instead, the original suit and headpiece, which miraculously survived for over three decades, were used[5] with only minor repairs. The suit's scarf and hair seem to have been replaced, the former now a bright white and the latter a much deeper red, as well as the gloves, which lack the same orange-brown wrist stripes as the original.
Greenman has a bright, multicolored helmet with a cyan mask which covers his eyes, and an emerald or jade gemstone centered on it. At the top of his helmet is a crest, upon which red fur rests. He wears a burgundy chestplate with orange patterning, which sits on top of his green suit, and has a red lamp in its center. This chestplate can open up to reveal an array of cannons, which Greenman utilizes for his "Greenman Breaster" finishing move. Greenman also possesses a belt similar to his chestplate, and upper leg armor extends from it. He has silver gloves and boots and wears a light yellow scarf around his neck.
In Go! Greenman, Greenman is a robotic self-proclaimed "envoy of God" and a savior of Earth. He will stop at nothing to protect the children of Earth, resulting in the defeat of any monster that threatens their safety. Greenman also seems to be especially sympathetic towards the children he protects, as seen when he heals a graze on a girl's knee in "Greenman vs. Mohtles." Despite being a robot, Greenman has displayed complex emotions on several occasions, such as in "Greenman vs. Minilla" where Minilla's pacifier was taken from him, causing the monster to begin crying. Instead of killing the monster, Greenman decided to spare it, however Minilla was killed anyway at the hands of his master, and Greenman began to laugh.
In the 2008 Go! Godman film, Greenman does not seem to display much personality at all, only appearing to Earth in response to the signal of a Green Call and attacking the present monsters accordingly.
In Go! Greenman, Greenman's origins are predominantly unknown, and although never explained within the series, external sources explain Greenman's place of origin as "Planet Green," located in the Kinga System (金河系グリーン星. Kingakei Gurīn Hoshi, lit. Gold River System Green Star)[1] The hero was created with the intention of protecting the Earth's environment and was equipped as such,[3] but instead arrived to Earth proclaiming himself as an envoy of God and protector of children due to the reawakening of the grand demon king, Maoh. Throughout his series Greenman's creators are left ambiguous; however, it can be assumed that they were also natives of Planet Green.
In the Go! Godman film, Greenman's origins are also never established, and it is unknown if this Greenman is the same from the original series. It can be assumed, though, that this Greenman has visited Earth and made his presence known to humanity at some point in the past, as a Green Call is present in a box of assorted toys which Haruka Ayase knows exactly how to use, calling out for him as she activates the device.
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- Go! Greenman (TV 1973-1974) [episodes 1-52]
- Go! Godman (2008)
Showa era
Go! Greenman

A heavenly machine warrior, Greenman is deployed to Earth to help with the protection of the environment, but becomes caught up in a scheme of the devil king Maoh's to reverse his underground banishment. Seeking to obtain the blood of young children, Maoh sends his loyal underling Tonchiki and another, lesser henchman to capture children from Ueno Park in Tokyo. As a group of children play in a sandbox on an average afternoon, they are startled to see the monstrous attackers hastily chasing after them. As the kids are chased through an archway, the devilish fiends are stopped in their tracks, as Greenman appears before them. Announcing himself as an envoy of God and protector of children, the hero descends to the ground and confronts them. Maoh's lackey attempts to challenge the new-found enemy but is quickly beaten down, startling Tonchiki and driving him to retreat, only to reappear seconds later after being scolded by Maoh. The failed subordinate is mutated into the insect monster Garamedon, whom Greenman engages and pushes to the brink of destruction. Tonchiki orders Garamedon to fire off an x-ray beam weapon which connects with Greenman and reveals him to be entirely robotic. Tonchiki then further commands Garamedon to make him grow, and Greenman utilizes his inner mechanics to match the monster's size. The two continue to combat one another, but Garamedon is overwhelmed by his opponent's multitude of abilities and soon collapses dead to the ground. After this first battle on Earth, Greenman presents the children with small devices known as Green Calls that can summon him when they are in distress. Greenman returns to the skies, faithfully awaiting the childrens' next call.
Presumably not long after Maoh's reawakening and the introduction of Greenman to mankind, the mechanical warrior is called to Earth once more by some children whose friend was being attacked by a giant ant. Greenman appears and snatches the ant from the boy's leg, tossing it to the side. Tonchiki hastily shouts his incantation which mutates the ant into a humanoid monster. Appearing from a cloud of blinding smoke, the monster Antguirus challenges Greenman with a screeching roar, and they charge at one another to begin their fight. Antguirus eventually knocks Greenman to the ground and bites down on his wrist, contaminating his artificial bloodstream with a black venom-like substance. Paralyzed, Greenman is dragged into the entry tunnel to Maoh's underground hideout, and is sent into a freefall. Greenman lands on the cave floor and begins to regain consciousness, but is forced to continue fighting Antguirus. Antguirus once again bites into Greenman's arm and injects him with more of the murky solution, which visibly impairs him. As Greenman collapses to the ground, the children activate their Green Calls, forcing the pools of Antguirus's black emulsion out of his system, and restoring him to full power. After a brief engagement, Greenman kicks Antguirus down before knocking him unconscious, buying Greenman the time to jet off back up to surface level. Antguirus follows Greenman up through the passageway, and both grow to giant size. The titans continue battling in a mountainside village, and after being knocked down several times, Greenman decides to summon the Greenman Stick. Antguirus soon collapses in defeat, prompting Greenman to activate his finishing move and reducing it to a display of sparks.
Greenman makes his third distinct appearance on Earth after being signaled by a distressed group of children being chased by a strange monster. The monster, named Gegil, challenges the hero upon his appearance at the scene. The two combatants engage in a fast-paced scuttle in a grassy field. With Maoh and Tonchiki looking on from a viewing screen in their cave, Greenman mercilessly beats Gegil down, until it is left motionless on the ground. Maoh furiously orders for Tonchiki to act, to which the servile creature complies, returning Gegil to its feet and making it grow. With Gegil looming over him, Greenman activates his machinery and is also scaled to a colossal stature. Evenly matched, Greenman and Gegil clash. Looking to secure the battle, Gegil unveils its trump card, launching a beam of white energy from its left arm cannon which leaves Greenman on his knees. Greenman attempts to continue fighting, but finds himself incapable. Gegil begins to toss the downed Greenman around, who, in his desperation, attempts to use his Breaster finishing attack to no avail. Just as it seems all hope is lost, Greenman leaps into the air, over Gegil's head, and lands just behind the confused monster. Able to get the sneak attack, Greenman batters Gegil in a series of powerful punches and flips the beast. Greenman kneels down and launches a Leg Arrow, which becomes lodged in Gegil's arm. Greenman then grabs an Ear Boomerang from its holster and throws it at Gegil's leg, exploding upon contact. Finishing off the monster for good, Greenman launches a barrage of Breaster missiles, reducing Gegil to but a smoke cloud.
Greenman's next call to Earth is by a group of children who had been playing hide-and-seek, but were attacked by Tonchiki and another subordinate that transformed into the Green Gargantua Gaira. Greenman appears before the rampaging monster in a grassy field, and they begin to fight. Eventually, Maoh and Tonchiki realize that the battle is going nowhere and force Gaira to grow to giant size. Greenman follows suit, and the combatants resume battle atop a small mountain. After a drawn-out exchange of hits, Greenman begins to become worn out, and Gaira is able to pin him at the edge of the cliff. However, Greenman is able to free himself from Gaira's grip and attempts to continue battling to no avail, prompting the children to use their Green Calls and restore his energy. With his power back to maximum, Greenman summons the Greenman Stick and beats Gaira down with it. Greenman uses his Stick Fire technique, launching the explosive tip of the Stick at Gaira, finishing him off.
Summoned by some children who were being attacked by the radio control monster Bullpull, Greenman appears at the scene and engages the monster. Battling in a small field, Greenman is eventually able to knock Bullpull unconscious and lifts his body into the air in triumph. Furiously ordered by Maoh, Tonchiki casts a spell on Bullpull, causing it to fall from Greenman's arms and mutate to an enormous height. Greenman also grows by way of his advanced machinery, and they continue their battle. To the confusion of Greenman, Bullpull is seemingly able to exponentially increase the speed at which things around him move, including itself, but does not initially gain much advantage from doing so. Thoroughly beaten down, Bullpull decides to reveal its special ability by casting radio control waves at Greenman. Greenman attempts to evade the attack but is still hit, causing his energy to plummet and losing control over his left arm, which continues to stick straight out in front of him. Though, this side affect seems to wear off and Greenman fires a Leg Arrow at Bullpull. After another brief exchange, Greenman's arm begins to be controlled again as Bullpull ominously approaches. As Greenman summons the Greenman Stick, Bullpull tries to fire more radio waves but they are deflected by the Stick. Bullpull begins to speed time again and manages to get another direct radio wave hit on Greenman, again causing his arm to move against his will. Miraculously, Greenman is able to restore his own energy by rubbing the Greenman Stick against his affected arm. With his energy restored, Greenman beats Bullpull down with the Greenman Stick and finishes him off with the Stick's explosive tip.
Heisei era
Go! Godman (2008)

In this anniversary special, Greenman appears on Earth in response to the signal of a Green Call which is found and activated by Haruka Ayase, who seemingly knows exactly how to operate the device. Greenman allies himself with fellow space warrior Godman and briefly aids in his battle against Gaira and Shilarji. Greenman's appearance isn't much more than a cameo however, even being poked fun at in a newspaper headline translating to "Godman Saves the Day! Greenman Also Helped."
Size changing
Greenman can use his machinery to grow to giant size by uttering the phrase "Greenman Giant Machine Change" or just "Giant Machine Change." He can also shrink back down to human size, although the only time he has been shown doing so onscreen is when he is forcibly shrunk after sustaining too much damage against Ibokiller.
Greenman possesses jets in his feet which enable flight at speeds up to Mach 5,[3] both on Earth and through space, as well as high leaps through the air.
Running speed
Greenman has been shown to possess enhanced running capability on multiple occasions, and is stated to be able to reach speeds up to 1,000 kilometers per hour.[3]
Underwater speed
Although never seen onscreen, Greenman is capable of reaching speeds underwater up to 100 kilometers per hour.[3]
Greenman possesses the ability to teleport to any destination, including the Underground Cave.
Greenman Breaster
Greenman's signature finisher move, known as Greenman Breaster (グリーンマンブレスター), involves the panels on his upper chest flipping open to reveal a series of missile barrels which sequentially shoot missiles at a given target. This technique can only be properly executed if Greenman is operating at a steady voltage of at least 100V, as it will otherwise only fire in one weak blast or not fire at all.
Ear Boomerangs
Greenman has two red boomerang weapons named Ear Boomerangs (イヤーブーメラン) which are mounted on either side of his helmet. When removed, they can be thrown and will explode on contact with any surface.
Leg Arrow
Greenman can fire arrows from a circular compartment on his left ankle which can become impaled into the skin of opponents. This technique is known as Leg Arrow (レッグアロー).
Greenman Stick
Greenman can summon a staff called the Greenman Stick (グリーンマンスティック) by shouting its name. This staff is used for many purposes but is most commonly seen being used as a weapon to bash opponents. In the series finale "Greenman vs. Maoh," it is revealed that Greenman possesses the ability to summon more than one Greenman Stick, and that at least three exist. This is used when, in addition to summoning his own Stick, he grants two young children with their own for a combined Stick Fire.
Stick Fire
The Greenman Stick can be used as a finisher move by firing off its explosive tip, and is known as Stick Fire (スティックファイヤー).
Fire Fighting
Although primarily used defensively, Greenman can create a wall of blue flames from his hands by shouting the ability's name, Fire Fighting (ファイヤーファイティング). This ability's only offensive use is to create a smokescreen which temporarily blinds or incapacitates opponents.
Energy attacks
Stick Beam
Although rarely shown being used, the Greenman Stick can fire a laser beam from its tip in a finishing move known as Stick Beam (スティックビーム).
Flash Shock
Greenman can summon electricity between his hands when he shouts the ability's name, Flash Shock (フラッシュショック). Simply moving his hands in the direction of his opponent once the electricity is summoned will cause it to fire off in that direction. This attack is also often used as a finisher move, and was what ultimately defeated Maoh himself.
Eye Beam
Greenman can fire beams from his eyes in a technique known simply as Eye Beam (アイビーム) by shouting "Greenman Eye Beam." However, Greenman only attempted to use this ability twice throughout the series, and was unable to successfully perform it either time due to the injuries he had sustained.
Mouth Beam
Greenman can fire a beam out of his mouth by shouting the ability's name, Mouth Beam (マウスビーム). This ability is often strong enough to be used as a finishing move.
X-Ray vision and intangibility

Greenman seemingly possesses x-ray vision or another ability similar, shown when he was able to see inside of Gabara's stomach and locate the child which was stuck within it. Greenman can also pass parts of his body through certain objects, shown when he passed his arms through Gabara's stomach to save said child.
Defensive capabilities
Boomerang Turn
Greenman can hold two of his Ear Boomerangs in an 'X' formation, creating a defensive shield of sorts which can deflect beam weapons. This technique is referred to as Boomerang Turn (ブーメランターン).
Fire Fighting clearing
Greenman can use his Fire Fighting ability to clear smoke or fire.
The Greenman Stick was shown to be able to deflect Bullpull's telepathy.
Distress signal
The Greenman Stick can be used as a distress signal. Similar to Stick Fire, if Greenman fires off the Stick's tip into the air, it will explode and form "SOS" in the sky.
Leg Gain
By planting the Greenman Stick into the ground, Greenman can repair damage to his legs by shouting the technique's name, Leg Gain (レッグゲイン). The Greenman Stick's handle fires a white laser into the affected limbs, repairing any damage. Although this ability was only seen being used once, it was crucial in allowing Greenman to win against Shilarji, who had shattered his legs using his morning star.
In a somewhat similar manner earlier on in the series, Greenman was able to rub the Greenman Stick on his arm to reverse the effects of Bullpull's telepathy, thus restoring his power to maximum.
Wound healing
Greenman is shown to be able to heal minor wounds of organic beings by placing his hands over the said wound. This was shown when Greenman healed a scrape on a young girl's leg.
Eye lights
Greenman has powerful lights in his eyes which can be activated on command. They are primarily used to remove foreign objects obstructing his vision. For unknown reasons, this ability was only utilized once despite Greenman's vision becoming obstructed on multiple occasions.
Child awakening
Greenman has been shown to be able to awaken children from states of unconsciousness, such as with the children affected by the noxious gas emitted by Tsunozillas' spike ball or the children which Inbelun forcibly put into comas.
Green Barriers
Although never shown onscreen, it is explained through subsequent media that Greenman possesses the ability to create "Green Barriers" (グリーンバリア) to protect the Earth from such harmful substances as carbon monoxide and mercury.[3]
Greenman, being entirely robotic, runs on electricity and properly operates at a voltage of at least 100V, as demonstrated by a built-in voltmeter inside his body. Greenman can rapidly lose power during battles, and if he is unable to maintain a steady voltage he will become urgently weak.
Nearly every monster Greenman has faced has been shown to be able to wear down his power with their special attack(s), including:
- Garamedon's electric beam
- Antguirus's venom
- Gegil's laser cannon
- Bullpull's telepathy
- Tsunozillas's spiked ball and black smoke
- Stock's sand shield and toxic gas
- Valingar's dizzying spin
- Megahertz's gaze
- Dragonda's rocks
- Totsaurus's gas-emitting rocks
- Danbaraki's electricity beam
- King Takoras's toxic mouth gas and constricting tentacles
- Gabara's sharp, detachable claws
- Gyaron's head electricity
- Mohtles's hallucinogenic mist
- Bulguerrilla's strong whips and electromagnetic waves
- Alien Dorok's blinding ink and constricting tentacles
- Spider's viscous webbing
- Foxaus's flammable smoke breath
- Blanca's tractor beam
- Ibokiller's electricity-absorbing patch
- Gowarackdon's flammable smoke breath
- Jairock's ultrasonic waves
- Dunket's mouth explosives
- Seguro-1's eye flashes
- Inbelun's electric forcefield
- Giringa's powerful punches
- Red Rock's smoke
- Sanda's noxious pink gas
- Zarizon's mind controlling mist
- Stegodzillas's blowgun darts
- Alien Tiborus's music-induced strength
- Yasugon's thick nets and constricting rope
- Gorilla's immense strength
- Spider II's viscous webbing
- Shilarji's iron flail
- Akumon's handheld bombs
- Kappalge's blinding soap bubbles
- Fonshuragon's freezing mist
- Main article: Greenman/Gallery.
In other languages
- Greenman is Toho's first robotic tokusatsu hero, followed by the cyborg Guyferd.
- The sound which plays when Greenman's chest panels open is a sample of Ultraman Taro's color timer sound.
- Greenman's Ear Boomerangs play a similar role to Ultraseven and Ultraman Zero's famous Eye Sluggers.
- Greenman had two voice actors throughout his series, with the first actor performing Greenman's voice in only a few episodes, including the first. For the rest of the series, another actor was hired, providing a stark contrast to the first with a noticeably deeper voice.
- Greenman's Flash Shock attack may be based off of an ability from Assault! Human!! called Human Shock, where Human No. 1 disperses electricity similar to Greenman.
- The Breaster attack may also be inspired by one of Human No. 1's abilities called Human Beam, where he fires a deadly photon beam from his chest.
- The name of the galaxy which Greenman originates from, the Kinga System, is actually a variation on the Japanese word for the Milky Way Galaxy. While the Milky Way is traditionally spelled as Gingakei (銀河系, lit. Silver River System), combining the kanji for "silver" (銀 and "river system" Gin) (河系, the Kinga System is spelled as Kingakei Kakei) (金河系, lit. Gold River System), replacing the kanji for silver with that of gold.
This is a list of references for Greenman. These citations are used to identify the reliable sources on which this article is based. These references appear inside articles in the form of superscript numbers, which look like this: [1]
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