Bat Man

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Bat Man
Bat Man in Go! Godman
Enemies Godman
First appearance Go! Godman Episode 20:
Godman vs. Bat Man and Kappalge
For the creatures from Latitude Zero, see Bat Men.

Bat Man (バットマン,   Batto Man) is a humanoid bat kaiju that first appeared in episode 20 of Go! Godman.


Bat Man appears to resemble a large bat with a humanoid shape. He has short, shaggy brown fur and large wings with hands on their tips.


Go! Godman

Bat Man was the twenty-sixth monster to battle Godman. He was first seen by two children who were attacked by the monster and ultimately called for Godman to protect them. Bat Man first decided to run from Godman, but was caught up to and the two battled. It was not long before Bat Man changed into giant form in a city. Here he showed off his final ability which was to summon invisible explosives. Godman had trouble avoiding the explosives, but was quick to learn Bat Man's pattern of fire. Bat Man proved to be a tough foe to defeat as he deflected two God Circles and nearly choked Godman to death. Luckily, the God Crush was able to weaken Bat Man, and he was finished off with the Godman Super Sonic Wave.



Bat Man has the ability to fly.

Physical abilities

Bat Man can slice his enemies with his wings.


Bat Man was able to hit Godman's God Circles with his wings without injury.


Bat Man can summon incredibly powerful, invisible explosives.


  • Bat Man's roars are higher pitch Muruchi roars that have been sped up.



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