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Jairock in Go! Greenman
Alternate names Jairokku, Jailock, Jeanlock,
Janrock, Jyairock, Jyairokku
Species Unknown CreatureA!H Unknown Minion of Maoh MutationG!G
Height 2.3 metersA!H[1]
Weight 3 metric tonsA!H[1]
Forms Human Size, Giant Size
Place(s) of emergence African outbackA!H[1]
Controlled by King FlasherA!H,
Relations King Flasher (Creator)A!H,
Tonchiki (Creator)G!G
Allies King Flasher, Kabutonga, FlashersA!H,
Tonchiki, MaohG!G
Enemies Human No. 1A!H,
Modeled by Ryosaku Takayama
First appearance Assault! Human!! Episode 1:
What is the Human
Latest appearance Go! Greenman Episode 24:
Greenman vs. Jairock

Jairock (ジャイロック,   Jairokku) is a kaiju that first appeared in episode 1 of the 1972 Union Motion Picture tokusatsu kaiju series, Assault! Human!! titled What is the Human.


Jairock has bumpy white skin, but in some spots it is also grey. Jairock's arms, legs, and neck are very long and skinny. He has two dark grey horns protruding from the sides of his head. He has 4 fingers on each hand and 4 toes on each foot. His feet, hands, and head look very small in proportion to his body.


Assault! Human!!

What is the Human

Jairock fought Junichiro Iwaki but was ultimately defeated.

Go! Greenman

Greenman vs. Jairock

Jairock was the seventh monster to battle Greenman. Jairock and Tonchiki went to a road seeking out the children. After receiving instructions from Tonchiki, Jairock chased the kids until one of the Green Calls was used, attracting Greenman into the fight. Greenman and Jairock clashed, but Greenman was quickly overpowered. But, Greenman didn't admit defeat, but rather grew to giant size in an effort to destroy the monster. Jairock grew as well, and the two fought on the side of a cliff. Again, Greenman was beat by Jairock's attacks. Luckily, Greenman was able to grab a hold of Jairock's tail and threw the monster to the ground, killing him. But, Maoh revived the monster who used a supersonic wave attack to weaken Greenman. Although greatly affected by the attack, Greenman still pressed on and was able to destroy Jairock with the Breaster attack.


Bullet Resistance

Jairock's body is made of a special alloy, which lets him deflect bullets.[1]

Ultrasonic attack

Jairock has an ultrasonic attack which can blast his enemies backwards. This attack can also cause extreme pain to his enemies. This was used briefly on Greenman during their battle on the cliff.


Jairock reuses the roar of Ultra kaiju, Zambolar.


Main article: Jairock/Gallery.


  • Jairock strongly resembles Red King, a monster from Ultraman. This is likely due to creature designer Tohl Narita working on both shows.
  • Jairock also vaguely resembles Hoe, a negativity monster from Ultraman 80. However, since Assault! Human!! and Go! Greenman both aired long before these two series, it is likely that this is just a coincidence.


This is a list of references for Jairock. These citations are used to identify the reliable sources on which this article is based. These references appear inside articles in the form of superscript numbers, which look like this: [1]

  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 All Kaiju Kaijin Encyclopedia. Keibunsha.
    Assault Human kaiju stats.jpg


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