Totsaurus (トットザウルス is a bird Tottozaurusu)kaiju created by Toho that first appeared in episode 23 of the 1972 tokusatsu kaiju series, Go! Godman titled Godman vs. Totsaurus and Shilarji.
Totsaurus has beige skin covered in bright yellow fur, except for the fur atop his head, which is a maroon color. He has very human-like eyes and a strange bird-like beak.
Go! Godman
Godman vs. Totsaurus and Shilarji
Totsaurus was the thirty-first monster to battle Godman.
Go! Greenman
Greenman vs. Totsaurus

Totsaurus also appeared in episode 11 of Go! Greenman. He was the eleventh monster to battle Greenman.
In Go! Godman, Totsaurus could transform from a regular chicken into kaiju-like proportions.
Physical abilities
In Go! Greenman, Totsaurus could make cracks in the ground which caused earthquakes.
In Go! Greenman, Totsaurus could spit rock-like projectiles from his beak.
Totsaurus reuses the roar of the Ultra series kaiju, Mukadender.
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