Cow People

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Cow People
Cow People in Warrior of Light Diamond Eye
Alternate names Cow Person, Cowhead People
Species Bovine Zensei Majin Combatant
Forms Human Bandit, Cow Person
Controlled by King Cobra
Relations King Cobra (Creator)
Allies King Cobra, Hitodetsubo, Wareatama, Gerarachin, Mojingah, Kerarin, Kero Cat, Satan Bat, Horse People, Onikabuton, Princess Cobra
Enemies Diamond Eye
First appearance Diamond Eye Episode 1: My Name is Diamond Eye
To be added.

The Cow People (牛頭人,   Gozu hito, Cowhead People) are kaiju created by Toho that first appeared in episode 1 of the 1973 tokusatsu television program, Diamond Eye, episode being titled My Name is Diamond Eye.


The Cow People are brown-colored anthropomorphic demons with bull-like heads. They have dark green-ish slime around their eyes; they also have a cow/bull's tail.


The Cow People are combatants for the Zensei Majin. They are usually taken out with ease. They seem to be biologically programmed to kill, but they are very weak and are not proficient in combat. When they aren't fighting, they are usually seen either tagging along or helping a Zensei Majin member in one way or another.


Diamond Eye

My Name is Diamond Eye

The Cow People, as well as the Horse People are produced by the other Zensei Majin infecting regular humans with "Human Condition", which turns them into these monsters.


Main article: Cow People/Gallery.


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