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Dolcross (Warrior Mode) in The Gransazers
Dolcross (Live Mode) in The Gransazers
Alternate names Dolcross, Dorcruz, Docrus, Dorcous
Subtitle(s) Ultra Star God
(超星神,   Chōseishin)
Species Ancient transforming mech
Height 24 meters (Live Mode)
52.5 meters (Warrior Mode)
Length 55 meters (Live Mode)
30 meters (Warrior Mode)
Weight 20,000 metric tons
Forms Live Mode, Warrior Mode
Controlled by Wind Tribe
Allies Garuda, Guncaesar, Leviathan, Youhi; Ken Riser, Ju Riser, Nin Riser, Great-LioSFSXtM
Enemies Garuda, Guncaesar (initially);
all The Gransazers kaiju,
Mammoth BoscheatSFSXtM
Played by Seisuke Ida, Naoki Ogura
First appearance The Gransazers episode 1,
"Awaken! Star Warrior"
Latest appearance Super Fleet Sazer-X the Movie
Warrior Mode:
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Dorcrus (ドルクルス,   Dorukurusu) is a mecha created by Toho that first appeared in episode 1 of the 2003 series, The Gransazers titled Awaken! Star Warrior.


The Gransazers

To be added.


Live Mode

In this form and his later forms, Dorcrus is meant to resemble a male Goliath beetle. He is very bulky and fortified in purple armor.

Warrior Mode



Main article: Guntras.

When combining into the fused dragon robot Daisazer, Dorcrus becomes the legs.


Live Mode

Dor Cannon

Dorcrus has Dor Cannons on its shoulders that can fire pulse shots.

Insector Magnum

Dorcrus is armed with two Insector Magnum cannons above its head that can fire a charged beam.

Astro Riser

Dorcrus can shoot Astro Riser lightning from its horn.

Dor Burst

The Dor Burst, despite the name, is a simple ramming attack.


Dorcrus can fly at Mach 1.8.[citation needed]


Dorcrus can change into his Warrior mode.


Dorcrus can fuse with its fellow Ultra Star Gods into Daisazer.

Warrior Mode


Dorcrus can fly, albeit not as well as in his Live Mode.

Dor Cannons

Dorcrus has Dor Cannons on its shoulders that can fire pulse shots.

Insector Magnum

Dorcrus is armed with two Insector Magnum cannons above its head that can fire a charged beam.

Bee Vulcan

Dorcrus is armed with gatling Bee Vulcan cannons.

Astro Riser

Dorcrus can shoot Astro Riser lightning from its horn.

Iron Gail

Dorcrus can replace its horn with Sazer Reml's Iron Gail via Sazer Gear.

Final Judgement

With the Iron Gail, Dorcrus can fire a large blast called Final Judgement.

Hercules Hurricane

Dorcrus fires all its weapons at once in a move called the Hercules Hurricane. This is Dorcrus's main finisher.

Sel Cross

Although unused in the show, concept art depicts Dorcrus as being able to utilize Sazer Velsou's Sel Cross.

Axe Tagger

Although unused in the show, concept art depicts Dorcrus as being able to utilize Sazer Dail's Axe Tagger.


Dorcrus can change into its Live Mode.


Dorcrus can electrocute opponents.


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