Ushioni / Gyuki

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Ushioni / Gyuki
Ushioni in Yokai Monsters: 100 Monsters
Gyuki in Go! Kotaro Ushiwaka
Height 2.5 metersYM100M[1]
Weight 132 kilogramsYM100M[1]
Allies Other yokaiYM100M-YMSW, CoonjoG!KU,
Inugami GyobuTGYWG
Enemies DaimonYMSW, UragiraG!KU,
Kotaro UshiwakaG!KU, NyudoG!KU
First appearance Latest appearance
Yokai Monsters:
100 Monsters
The Great Yokai
War: Guardians
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Ushioni ( (うし) (おに), lit. cow demon), alternatively pronounced Gyuki ( (ぎゅう) (),   Gyūki), is a kind of Japanese yokai, or folklore creature. They appear in the 1968 Daiei films Yokai Monsters: 100 Monsters and Yokai Monsters: Spook Warfare, and in episode 20 of the 1974 Toho yokai series Go! Kotaro Ushiwaka, titled "Gyuki and the Cursed Vase".

One later appears in the form of a yokai motorcycle in the 2021 film The Great Yokai War: Guardians as Inugami Gyobu's means of transportation.


Showa era

Yokai Monsters: 100 Monsters

To be added.

Yokai Monsters: Spook Warfare

To be added.

Go! Kotaro Ushiwaka

"Gyuki and the Cursed Vase"

To be added.

Reiwa era

The Great Yokai War: Guardians

To be added.



In Go! Kotaro Ushiwaka, Gyuki wielded a wide-bladed scimitar-like weapon.


Main article: Ushioni/Gallery.


This is a list of references for Ushioni. These citations are used to identify the reliable sources on which this article is based. These references appear inside articles in the form of superscript numbers, which look like this: [1]


  • Tsutsumi, Tetsuya; Okubo, Kazumitsu; Abe, Nomaru; Kagami, Toshiharu; Kano, Keisuke; Suzuki, Mitsunobu; Nakamura, Satoshi; Matsui, Etsuko; Ozawa, Ryoko (30 August 2005). Revive! Great Yokai Movies Assembly. Takeshobo. ISBN 4-8124-2265-5.


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