Original Gyaos

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Gyaos incarnations
Gyaos (Heisei Trilogy)
Original Gyaos
Gyaos (GAMERA -Rebirth-)
Original Gyaos
Original Gyaos in Gamera the Brave
Alternate names Gyaos
Species Giant vampire bat-like creature
Height 30 meters[1]
Wingspan 90 meters[1]
Weight 500 metric tons[1]
Place(s) of emergence Shima, Japan
Enemies Avant Gamera
First appearance Gamera the Brave
More roars
Not to be confused with the Showa Gyaos, the original version of the character.

Original Gyaos (オリジナル・ギャオス,   Orijinaru Gyaosu) is a winged kaiju who first appeared in the 2006 Gamera film Gamera the Brave.

In 1973, a flock of four Original Gyaos attacked a Japanese village, but were fought off by Avant Gamera, who was forced to self-destruct and sacrifice himself in order to kill them. A new monster called Zedus was eventually spawned by feeding on the carcasses of the Gyaos flock, and did battle with a new Gamera three decades later.


The Gyaos in Gamera the Brave are called Original Gyaos (オリジナル・ギャオス,   Orijinaru Gyaosu) according to supplementary materials, though Gyaos' name is never spoken in the film.[1]


While the Original Gyaos' origins were not explored in the film, the novelization Friends: Gamera the Brave briefly mentions the scientist Amamiya's theories. According to Amamiya, all of the Original Gyaos, up to thirty or more, were either the "same individual" or "clones" derived from a particular bat specimen, and therefore demonstrated no conflicts among them. This was in contrast to Amamiya's subjects, Space Gyaos, who were originally different species of Japanese bats. While Amamiya concluded that the original bats at one point ingested "GU Cells", the exact origin of "GU Cells" themselves remained unclear.[2]


Much like the Hyper Gyaos from Gamera 3: Revenge of Iris, the Original Gyaos were entirely portrayed through props, puppets, and CGI.


The Original Gyaos in Gamera the Brave are very thin and sleek, with blue skin that is so tight on their bodies that it renders their bones visible underneath. They have pointed snouts and a more decorative pattern on their head crests.


Gamera the Brave

Original Gyaos in Gamera the Brave

In 1973, a flock of Original Gyaos attacked the seaside city of Shima, Mie Prefecture, only to be confronted by Avant Gamera, who emerged from the nearby forest. Gamera quickly annihilated one of the Gyaos with a fireball, though the other three retaliated and knocked Gamera to the ground with an Ultrasonic Scalpel. The Gyaos flock immediately swarmed the downed Gamera, biting him and tearing into his flesh. Overwhelmed and bested, Gamera overloaded his internal furnace and self-destructed, sacrificing himself in efforts to destroy the flock. Though they attempted to escape, the remaining Gyaos were consumed in the resulting blast.

The creature called Zedus was later mutated by feeding on the corpses of the flock of Original Gyaos. Over 30 years after the Original Gyaos attacked, a new Gamera emerged to do battle with Zedus.[1]



Original Gyaos are capable of flight.

Ultrasonic Scalpel

Gyaos' signature ability is the Ultrasonic Scalpel (超音波メス,   Chōonpa Mesu) it fires from its mouth. This attack takes the form of a thin yellow beam which can slice apart objects with incredible precision.


Original Gyaos may "possess" and "command" the organisms which become monsters by consuming their flesh. Zedus was driven by the malice and hatred of Gyaos to exterminate Gamera and humanity.[3]

Mutagenic cells

Supplementary materials, such as the Gamera the Brave Super Complete Works and an anatomical diagram of Zedus, state that cells in the Original Gyaos' tissue can cause mutation if ingested, which resulted in the emergence of Zedus.[1][3] In the novel Friends: Gamera the Brave, these cells, called Gyaos Cells (ギャオス細胞,   Gyaosu Saibō), GU Cells (GU細胞,   Jīyū Saibō), or GC, also gave rise to other monsters called G-Monsters; among them were Space Gyaos, engineered by Soichiro Amamiya.[4]

In the novelization Friends: Gamera the Brave, Amamiya speculated that all of the Original Gyaos are "perfections" (完全体,   Kanzentai) and the "same individual." In contrast, Gyaos cells create mutations in different organisms who fight each other to eliminate weak individuals. The survivors eventually become "perfections" themselves, acting as the "same individual" without conflict. A number of Space Gyaos were created by Amamiya using different species of bats, but they killed each other, and the initial conflicts among other kaiju (G-Barugon, G-Viras, G-Guiron, G-Jiger, G-Zigra, and Zedus) was also due to this drive to produce "perfections".[2][5][6]


In the novelization Friends: Gamera the Brave, Original Gyaos and mutations derived from them could not be detected by radar using microwaves, acoustic waves, lasers, or heat sensors, due to their peculiar skin cells.[2]


Gamera 2006: Hard Link

The Gyaos attack Gamera in Gamera 2006: Hard Link

In the spin-off manga to Gamera the Brave, Gamera's battle against the Gyaos in 1973 is gone more into detail within the "Special Link" chapter. Gamera was being attacked by four Gyaos' Ultrasonic Scalpels. Gamera killed a first Gyaos with a point-blank fire blast and then stomped on its head. The remaining three Gyaos kept firing at Gamera, but Gamera got into his shell and charged up a fire blast which he fired at one of the Gyaos. Another Gyaos came in and bit Gamera's arm, and Gamera threw it to the ground and fired at it, killing it. The two remaining Gyaos hovered about, and Gamera fired another fire blast at one of them. From the smoke one Gyaos flew toward Gamera and unleashed a flurry of beams. Gamera punched it to the ground. However, the Gyaos continued its onslaught of beams just as the other Gyaos turned out to have survived and flew over to Gamera. Gamera began spurting blood, and the two Gyaos feasted on his entrails. Gamera, acknowledging he had been defeated, triggered his Fireball Ejection Suicide, killing him along with both Gyaos.


Friends: Gamera the Brave

Approximately thirty Original Gyaos attacked Japan. In the battle of Shima, a dozen or more battled against Avant Gamera and were eventually demolished by the turtle kaiju's self-destruction. Through natural and artificial processes, a variant of mutations—Space Gyaos, G-Barugon, G-Viras, G-Guiron, G-Jiger and Baby Jiger, G-Zigra, and Zedus—were born by ingesting the monsters' cells.[2]


Gyaos' roars in Gamera the Brave

See also


This is a list of references for Original Gyaos. These citations are used to identify the reliable sources on which this article is based. These references appear inside articles in the form of superscript numbers, which look like this: [1]

  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 Gamera the Brave Super Complete Works. Shogakukan. 20 May 2006. p. 30, 32. ISBN 4091051081.
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 Boogey Toumon, 2006, Friends: Gamera the Brave, p.196, pp.209-213, p.217, ENTERBRAIN
  3. 3.0 3.1 95e70a63d45516b4881508a462e1bbbb.png
  4. Heisei Gamera Perfection. ASCII MEDIA WORKS. 8 February 2014. p. 282. ISBN 9784048918817.
  5. https://wikizilla.org/wiki/File:Original_Gyaos_Friend_1.jpeg
  6. https://wikizilla.org/wiki/File:Original_Gyaos_Friend_2.jpeg


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