King Kong 2: Revived Legend

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King Kong 2: Revived Legend
King Kong 2: Revived Legend box art
Developer Konami
Publisher Konami
Platforms MSX2
Languages Japanese
Genre Role-Playing Game

King Kong 2: Revived Legend (キングコング2 甦る伝説,   Kingu Kongu Tsū: Yomigaeru Densetsu) is a video game developed for the MSX2 by Konami in 1986. It is loosely based on the 1986 film King Kong Lives, which was titled King Kong 2 in Japan.


King Kong 2: Revived Legend is an action RPG. The player directs Hank Mitchell (known as Mitchel in-game,) who is trying to save Lady Kong.


  • Hank Mitchell (Mitchel in-game)





Wikizilla: YouTube Wikizilla gameplay livestream
Wikizilla: YouTube Wikizilla livestream highlights


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