User talk:EatenByShark6837isCool

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Custom Pfps (wave 1, not accepting any more requests until wave 2)
QnA cuz why not
Reference for the pfp

Custom Pfps (wave 1, not accepting any more requests until wave 2)

EatenByShark6837isCool (talkcontribs)

Enter what you want for your custom Pfp. Please don't make it too hard to draw or too complicated.

Jetjager (talkcontribs)

Just do Ultraman Belial if not that than alien baltan

Jetjager (talkcontribs)

Oh and thx

Raidenwashere (talkcontribs)

Do Raiden form metal gear rising daping up millennium goji

I can give u something else if it is to hard

Cohozilla (talkcontribs)

You could do a headshot of the Cohozuna-Godzilla hybrid.

ThatOneKaijuFan2011 (talkcontribs)

Could I have one of Zilla Jr beaming towards the sky?

Ebirahlobster (talkcontribs)

could I have one with ebirah (cartoonish) with his sunglasses?

EatenByShark6837isCool (talkcontribs)

IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT: I will only be accepting one more new request after Ebirahlobster for wave 1 of the custom pfps. After I finish all of wave 1, I will be taking a break. Then, I will start wave 2 and people can enter their submissions there. The ones I have left to do for wave 1 are: JohnGojira, Jetjager, Raidenwashere, ThatOneKaijuFan2011, and Ebirahlobster.

Jetjager (talkcontribs)

Thanks for the update!

Williamaftonridinggodzilla (talkcontribs)

Hello im two months late are you still doin tithe custom pfp?

EatenByShark6837isCool (talkcontribs)

Yeah, what do you want for yours?

Williamaftonridinggodzilla (talkcontribs)

can you draw the pixalated william afton on godzilla? please

EatenByShark6837isCool (talkcontribs)

Ok. You're my last request for Wave 1 btw

Williamaftonridinggodzilla (talkcontribs)

cool thanks!

Summary by EatenByShark6837isCool


EatenByShark6837isCool (talkcontribs)

Ask any question you want (not too personal tho)

MrPenguin (talkcontribs)

Thoughts on the ship of godrizza x eaten

EatenByShark6837isCool (talkcontribs)

No, screw you. You better be there on January 3rd, 2025 btw. Or else.

Cohozilla (talkcontribs)

You mean 2025?

EatenByShark6837isCool (talkcontribs)


JohnGojira (talkcontribs)

Hey dude! I wanted to apologize that I was rather vague in the request for the custom pfp. I had an idea of what I wanted it to look like from a doodle I did eons ago, but I could not find it until recently. Here it is:

Hope this helps
EatenByShark6837isCool (talkcontribs)

Hey JohnGojira! I want to apologize for not finishing your pfp, it's just that I haven't had too much free time recently because of homework. Thank you for this reference image btw. I am really, really sorry for delaying your pfp so much.

JohnGojira (talkcontribs)

Ah no worries dude! That is entirely understandable. Schoolwork is highly important to focus on for sure.

EatenByShark6837isCool (talkcontribs)

(I will try to work on it during the weekend if I have any free time.)


EatenByShark6837isCool (talkcontribs)


MrPenguin (talkcontribs)


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