User talk:Raidenwashere

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Raidenwashere (talkcontribs)

ask me anything if u want to nothing to crazy

ThatOneKaijuFan2011 (talkcontribs)

What is your favorite Kaiju?

Raidenwashere (talkcontribs)

mechagoji/kiryu or destoroyah

TheGojiboy (talkcontribs)

When you're standing there, what do you realize?

Raidenwashere (talkcontribs)

yeah I did realize what I was doing to that poor senator armstrong I ripped he Heart out snake would but proud of me

Titanozilla2023 (talkcontribs)

What's your opinion on Varan?

Raidenwashere (talkcontribs)

he is really cool kind of which he was in more media

JohnGojira (talkcontribs)

What would your ideal Godzilla film be like?

Raidenwashere (talkcontribs)

a more darker godzilla movie with like tone of -1 and like less humans (unless there good character) with like more of him being the bad guy

The Fool (talkcontribs)

Actually what is your opinion on web novels, manga, and anime as a whole?

Raidenwashere (talkcontribs)

I like them don't read them as much but there cool

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