Certified Ikea Outlaw >:)
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ThatOneKaijuFan2011 is a Wikizilla User who joined in 2024. This user makes edits every now-and-then, but mostly likes to get involved with the community!
Background Information
I first became a Godzilla fan back in early 2023 after learning about it from a friend from school. Me and my friend played Kaiju Universe on Roblox, but after a while, I expanded into more of the Godzilla franchise. Besides Godzilla, I like many other things. I especially like Murder Drones, and how it focuses on good character drama and excellent humor. Thomas The Tank Engine and Friends is my second favorite thing besides Godzilla and Murder Drones. I grew up with Thomas, specifically DvDs of the Classic Era.
Monsterverse Aftershock: The Rewrite Project
You heard it here, folks, Monsterverse: Aftershock is back! As of now, I have only started the planning stages, but I will hopefully release Part 1 by the end of the year. Here's the Forum Thread for the planning stages: Monsterverse Aftershock: The Rewrite Project (Planning Stages)
My Socials:
Godzilla Battle Line: TOKF2011.
Random Images I have
How To Put Images In Comments
Do this but put [[ before it and ]] after it: File:Put Your Image Here|thumb|right or left|200px|Put Text/Caption Here
How To Put Links In Comments
[ [Put a Wikizilla (or other Wiki) page here | Put text here (optional) ] ] (no spaces for the brackets)
How To Make Funny Colored Comments
Do this but put {{ before it and }} after it: G-font|color=Put a color from Wikizilla| Put your text here |padding-left=5px
Thanks Keeri'ijra for discovering this!
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