User talk:BaragonwaSaikoda

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Jevilogen (talkcontribs)

I am jevilogen

Æ its me dinorme

BaragonwaSaikoda (talkcontribs)


BaragonwaSaikoda (talkcontribs)

thats just fucking perfect

they found me

Nintendo friend code thing

MechZilla74 (talkcontribs)

I was looking through some old forum posts and remembered that you had a Switch, here's my friend code if you feel like adding me.


BaragonwaSaikoda (talkcontribs)


Why do ya like Godzilland so much?

TherealHokmuto (talkcontribs)


BaragonwaSaikoda (talkcontribs)

hmm... it's hard to explain, but the cute artstyle is a major factor, it also got me into godzilla in the first place, and i kinda like how obscure it is and expanding on making the alternative lore (Go Go Godzilland!) for it is really fun

BaragonwaSaikoda (talkcontribs)

uhh idk

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