So yeah I’m permanently leaving Wikizilla if you want the full reason why go to my discussion page but yeah cya
User talk:Ultraman rides a dragon cuz yes
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You were truly a legend. Bye bye legend
Sayonnara, glad you had a good time.
In this thread I will tell you about random ideas from my Godzilla AU that I will never actually do anything with.
Idea 1: The Kilaaks are the most feared race in the galaxy solely all of their technology was stolen from various different alien races (with the Xiliens mind control devices being the first ones to be stolen), so they probably stole some extremely powerful technology.
Idea 2: Gigan would dress up as superheros/villains who have "man" in their name and when in the costume he calls himself the superhero but instead of "man" it's "gan". Examples are Spectregan, Ultragan, Spidergan, Gan-thing, Infragan, Chainsaw Gan, Devilgan, Supergan, Gan-bat, and so on.
Idea 3: There are 2 Hedorah's a male on based off of the FW version and a female based off of the Showa version. The male Hedorah is just a chill guy who came to Earth to eat pollution and is often caught up in Monster X/Humanity/Godzilla's shenanigans. The female Hedorah also came to Earth to eat garbage, though this Hedorah is friends with a talking skeleton (don't ask) and a wizard (again, don't as), she and the skeleton love going on fantastical quest with the wizard watching over them/giving them the quest.
I'm hanging on to the other side I won't give up 'til the end of me (Go!) (Yeah!) Welcome to the mind of a different kind Where we've been growing slowly Think I'm on eleven, but I'm on a nine Guess you don't really know me Running from the past is a losing game It never brings you glory Been down this road before Already know this story
because i don't know the rest
The images I uploaded are not from a pirated copy of the film, and instead are from this website (uploaded through Vimeo) for the company that did the CGI for the sequence, I can se how the mistake was made but this footage was already allowed here with the Scylla infobox image.
Seems fine to use. But the bigger issue is that you left the black bars in; please crop those before you upload.
Oh my bad, I'll fix those
Thank you!
Oh ok, my bad
on the topic of the released footage, can the leafwings get another tab of their 2027 variants or no?
Do they look any different from what we've seen before?
i don't recall so, though they have different colors
Other weird ideas include: MechaGodzilla and Godzilla wipe out a flock made up of 100 Rodans with Rodan, Firebird, Quetzalqoatl, and another Rodan being the survivors, Baragon, Manda, Varan, and the original monsters from Godzilla Trading Battle are a violent cult worshiping Yamata No Orochi, Gigan's species being sentient, and the existence of a underground world similar to Hollow Earth (it's not at the center of the earth tho).
Hey, I'd just ignore the Jager dude, he cleary isn't willing to have an actual conversation. Judging by his reply to Showa Fan, the guy is just trying to pick a fight with whoever he can.
I'll take your advice too, since I was part of it.
You can be a host on MONSTER ARENA but first we need cybawrecker10 to say yes cause he is the main host.
Got it.
Can you try to reach out to cybawrecker he won’t respond to me for some reason
I don't exactly remember what the "Cykor" Page incident was. I'm still fairly new to the wiki (only being here for two months to date), so some references to past events on Wikizilla might go over my head.
In a manner that would be safe for both of us (as in not getting in trouble), could you please summarize what happened on the Cykor page?
So basicly imma explain the cykor comment
So skullcrawler said "oh no the hentai monster is going to get us!" or something like that
You replied "sorry, what?"
Then my dumass descided to explain the comment on a website kids go on
That was the cykor thing
Sorry. School’s been getting pretty hectic, with testing and such. I forgot that was a comment and that I had replied to it.
Thanks for clearing that up for me! I hope you suffered no repercussions because of that.
Comments get deleted cuz literaly anyone could see them, but user talks, not alota people visit them, so its fine, i guess