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Monarch: Legacy of Monsters
Astounding Beyond Belief
Don't worry about reworking synopses into character histories; we do it all the time. Plagiarism's only an issue if you're taking writing from another site.
Thank you again for all the plots you've been writing. I do ask that you keep a few things in mind, however:
- Plots are written in the present tense, while character/kaiju/vehicle/organization/etc. histories are in the past tense.
- Give your synopses a once-over before publishing them; there were quite a few typos in the last one. I will admit that I constantly forget to do this myself!
A. Okay thanks
B. I'll make sure to do that next time!!
i just wanted to give a big thanks for helping out with the completion of the singular point series pages, i honestly couldn't of done it myself and my help doesnt extend to doing plots
You're welcome! i can see why you don't do them, writing plot sections can get boring fairly quickly.
i was curious if you are like aware of the novel
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