UserWiki talk:Astounding Beyond Belief

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You have been proven wrong

Here is evidence that the cells can heal within seconds. Not hours. They literally damaged the cell while they used the electron microscope and the cell fully healed within exactly 2 seconds. Try making up an excuse now. Try and prove me wrong this time.

Imagine being so bad at admitting you lost an argument you get banned from a site for a month, then relitigating the same argument with a side of vandalism as soon as you realize the ban has expired. Wait, I guess that checks out.--Astounding Beyond Belief (talk) 10:29, 8 January 2019 (UTC)

Adding pictures as sources

I found this image from a source that I wish to add, but I do not know the licensing for the image. What do I do?

Here is the site where I found the source:

Hello from Fallout

I wanted to stop by and say thank you so much for agreeing to affiliate with the Independent Fallout Wiki. We are really excited! Kid Aces (talk) 01:25, 19 May 2023 (UTC)

Likewise! To a new age of gods and monsters!--Astounding Beyond Belief (talk) 11:34, 19 May 2023 (UTC)