User talk:G&G-Fan

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Previous discussion was archived at User talk:G&G-Fan/Archive 1 on 2019-04-29.

Tyrannosaurus descent

Titanollante (talkcontribs)

G&G, the trivia you added about Tyrannosaurus Descent track doesn't have solid footing.

The "Tyrannosaurus" in the title of that YouTube video is a mistranslation of this kanji 覇王 (覇王竜 actually being a translation for T-Rex), from the track 覇王降誕. The track name in English comes out to something like advent of overlord / birth of tyrant, something like that. It does not imply a direct ancestry. Even if it were, a track name would not be enough to assert this if no other supplementary material ever implies that Godzillasaurus is descended from T-Rex aside from "hey this looks like this other thing."

G&G-Fan (talkcontribs)

Alright, thanks.

VaderRaptor (talkcontribs)

Do you have a YouTube channel?

G&G-Fan (talkcontribs)

Yes, I do. It's the same name as my username here. I mainly use it to post my Godzilla fan-films, though I am thinking about possibly doing movie reviews as a side thing.

I'm currently working on rebooting the Kyojin Godzilla Series as the Kyojin Cinematic Universe. The first installment will be Godzilla: God of Monsters. I plan on having it premiere at G-Fest next year. I also plan on remaking the three films I've already made when the time comes, not only improving their scripts but also the visuals to be on par with GOM, as I will now be doing much more stop motion and green screen, as well as better sets. I have lots of plans that I'm very excited about and it'll be great.

VaderRaptor (talkcontribs)

I subscibed to it.

This post was hidden by TheYellowShyGuy (history)
TheYellowShyGuy (talkcontribs)

Sorry, I thought this was posted to my wall because I had notifications for this thread turned on for some weird reason. Anyways, I've deleted my reply now. Apologies.

Thanks for the friend request!

JurassicKaiju14 (talkcontribs)

Thanks for the friend request, G&G-Fan! :)

BTW, I don't know if you've seen this yet, but be sure to check out my rewrite of Godzilla: King of the Monsters when you get the chance. It's basically my own little touch-up job that fixes up the problems I had with the movie (all relatively minor for the most part)

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