What happened to skullislandexplorer he used to post here almost constantly but he never posts here anymore in fact his last known contribution was in 2020 the best year (I’m being sarcastic with the best year part btw) since you are one of his friends I figured you might know what happened to him.
User talk:VaderRaptor
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I honestly have no idea what happened to him. I think he announced that he was leaving for a while if not permanently and then did exactly that.
Ah maybe that could be why.
He could have also you know
I highly doubt that
Yeah unlikely
I feel like you VaderRaptor should be promoted like you have a ton of edits just a thought though.
Nah not yet. I already talked to the admins about this and I gotta wait a bit.
Just a heads up, there are much higher-quality versions of the Criterion interior art on their site, you just have to click through to each film: https://www.criterion.com/films/29338-godzilla-raids-again
That's what i did. I went to the thing with all the Showa films and saved the image to put it here.
That's not the page I meant, check the link. It looks like the Hedorah and TOMG art on that page are full-size, but the others are 306×380.
Okay. I'll replace them later today.
Do they still need to be replaced?
You're aspiring to become a paleontologist? Dude, that's awesome! What are you going to do in that field? The actual digging, studying the animals others have dug out, or something else?
I'm not sure what exactly I want to settle on. I want to do both (like Paul Sereno), but I kind of want to a name for myself. I'm hoping that the book that I'm making will get me some money when I'm older for college, help me learn new things in paleontology, and possibly make a reputation for myself. Are you interested in paleontology?
Saw the word "Paleontology" and came runnin'. Although I'm more into the paleozoology branch.
Did Wikizilla just go down?
AH! HA! So I'm NOT the only one who thought that!
For most of the day, yeah.
I noticed that, too. Figured somethin' was up with my phone's internet connection or something. Then later, my laptop (which proved it was the site, itself).
Dangit. Just as I was about to work on the Anguirus page.
I mean, it's back now.
Aaaaand back again. Search is still shaky though.
My Mind: (*I swear it's that hacker that jacked with my Facebook 1st, then my main email! Not only that, but the fact that it occurred exactly a week ago [Saturday, Nov. 14; possibly even earlier {Nov. 9th: My profile pic was updated to that of the one I use for Wikizilla, Twitter, and Instagram. An pic update I had absolutely nothing to do with.}], on such a consistent level is rather...concerning. And the fact that Friday evening was when I hit the peak point of my day. (Super Godzilla (Monster)#comment-21258) I know it sounds a little paranoid, but I think someone [whom I believe *knows* me] is trying to really screw things up for me. And they stooped real low by hijacking the Wikizilla site, a place where multiple people chat. Messing with that is unforgivable.*)
If it turns out to be something entirely different, I'm ok with that, too. I'm just concerned, due to how coincidental both events occurred. It's just too big for me to ignore. It's not just my online safety I'm thinking of here, but the online safety of others, as well.
I'm not the only one ! I kept refreshing the page but it wouldn't work. But at least it works now. Credits to the group or in dividual that got it back up.
Well, I missed this.
What the heck happened now.
MediaWiki upgraded us to version 1.35. Is something not working?
Everything's fine, but I was wondering what happened.
Looks like the wiki software got revamped.
For some reason when I open up the Godzilla vs. Kong page, it says there is no text in the page. But, I can still edit the page and look at the history.
Me too ! But it's recent because minutes earlier I managed to get into it.
The first 2 drawings are a shout-out to @Harpercotter08. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1JgUEyrF8zRmpz_52P6e74ersin-cenT0/view?usp=sharing https://drive.google.com/file/d/1JbaMpD2mpQiJcUq-htRhM5Kud1YSrSgN/view?usp=sharing
Make Gigan's beak somewhat bigger and his top antennae not go in two directions. Otherwise, they're really good.
Yeah, the beak part was the hardest and I didn't know that his antennae do that. LOL and THX!
Wait. What I meant for the antennae is that it looks like its smaller and somewhat going out in 2 spots.
Ohhh, well I can't do anything about it now.
I am trying to make a Wiki user page an I need some help making one.
What do you need help with.
Sorry to but in, but I personally made my userwiki by looking at the source code of one of the main pages (Battra in my case), copying it, and changing the text to say what I want to. If you aren't too good with PTP, you'd probably want to copy some code, save it, then use the visual editor to personalize it.
I made my wikiuser page!
U can check it out if u want.
I did, looks good!
Oh, thx! And also it's ok to butt in if someone needs help.
Hey. I think they change a very small details to when Godzilla is about to fire his Atomic Breath. Thought I could be wrong but in a clip from a HBO exclusive clip shows that some parts of Godzilla chest and arms were glowing the same color as his atomic breath.
Check 1:40 through 1:43 of the video okay?
I see it. I wouldn't add it to the Godzilla page until the movie come out though. When it does come out, remind me about this and I'll scroll through it.
okay. I will.
Hey VaderRaptor. You um... told me to remind you about this Atomic Breath scene on the day the movie was released.
Also have you seen the movie so far?
I would add it, I'll check it after I see the movie.
So, I have been admiring you since like 1 year now, cmon, you have like 4,000+ edits you deserve to be in the staff.One thing I don't know is if there are some age restrictions.Anyway I think you should send a request to the staff team.
Three things:
1. The reason there are age restrictions is so people that aren't at good at spelling and writing don't become staff members. While I'm proficient at writing, it's probably better for me to finish high school and learn all I can before I can become a staff member. In addition, I don't have the same time as the staff to research different topics.
2. I can't necessarily "send a request to the staff team." If they want me to be a staff member they'll come for me.
3. I've already asked to be a staff member about a year ago and got my answer. You might find it in my talk page under "Raw edit totals" and one of the main monster pages (I can't remember which one right now).
Indeed, I understand it may be hard to run a huge site like wikizilla and study at the same time, trust me, I run a few big fandoms and stuff.But based on your time here you have done more than people that have been here since the beginning (like me).Your grammar seems really advanced to me, but, everything comes when the time is best.
While you may be right, the admins don't see me as ready at the current moment, so I will respect their opinion. Also, I wouldn't be able to give the time I normally have because I'll be working on my book for the next 3-4 years at least.
Hi, I kinda need your help with something. I’ve been on this Wiki for a very long time. How’d you become such a big contributor to the site?
Vader hasnt been here for some months
What help do you need?
The help I needed was him answering the question.
So, to answer your question, it's mostly a case of finding good issues to fix with the site (especially if they're widespread). If you can, see what admins think needs fixing and learn from them to find out what issues they'd normally fix. There also should be a bar near the middle of the main page that has different things to do (stubs, cleanups, etc.). Just do more edits more often.
Thanks for the tip!
Any time :)