Topic on User talk:DreamBrisdin

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Holy Beast War Chronicle: White Shadow

Astounding Beyond Belief (talkcontribs)

Are Gamera, Jiger, and Barugon referred to by name in Holy Beast War Chronicle: White Shadow? From the descriptions I'm seeing of the book, it seems like all the stories in it are original.

Zillaman98 (talkcontribs)

i was actually about to just ask the same question lol thanks ABB

also is Friends: Gamera the Brave even a real book i cant find anything.

DreamBrisdin (talkcontribs)

>>Are Gamera, Jiger, and Barugon referred to by name in Holy Beast War Chronicle: White Shadow?

Apparently yes. It was by Shinichiro Inoue (Kadokawa representative director), and various online platforms (Pixivpedia, MugenWiki, Niconico Pedia, various Twitter accounts and blogs) say that the monsters in the novel are the actual Gamera monsters.

Friends: Gamera the Brave is this.

Zillaman98 (talkcontribs)

so could you give us where he called those monsters that?

DreamBrisdin (talkcontribs)

I haven't read the book yet, so I don't know which pages that were.

Zillaman98 (talkcontribs)

then could you point us to where these other platforms actually call the monsters that?

DreamBrisdin (talkcontribs)*2

Zillaman98 (talkcontribs)

half of those links don't indicate anything about the book.

and the tweets seem to indicate these monsters do not go named throughout this story and are only implied to be Gamera kaiju.

DreamBrisdin (talkcontribs)

>half of those links don't indicate anything

What do you mean? ALL of these indicate the Gamera monsters.

For the Amazon page, see the top comment by the user named ニコタマ.

Zillaman98 (talkcontribs)

half of the links (Pixivpedia, MugenWiki, Niconico Pedia) don't even mention the book.

reviews don't indicate a thing unless these monsters are actually named in the story itself which those tweets you provided imply they do not.

DreamBrisdin (talkcontribs)
DreamBrisdin (talkcontribs)

>half of the links (Pixivpedia, MugenWiki, Niconico Pedia) don't even mention the book.



同様に、平成ガメラの設定を引き継いだ井上伸一郎の小説『聖獣戦記 白い影』では、白虎に相当する怪獣として登場。対馬小太郎によって勾玉で操られ、元寇当時の日本海上で青龍(バルゴン)と死闘を繰り広げた。本作では元軍に同行していたヨーロッパ人から「ジャイガンティス」と呼ばれたことが名前の由来になっている。


やはり平成三部作の世界観を引き継いだ小説『聖獣戦記 白い影』では鎌倉時代の日本に出現。 弘安の役で活躍した御家人・龍造寺家清を守護する勾玉によって操られ、対馬小太郎が操る白虎ことジャイガーと死闘を繰り広げた。

Niconico Pedia

井上伸一郎「聖獣戦記 白い影」はジャイガー(白虎)が元寇に現れ モンゴル艦隊を蹴散らすが、術者の制御を振り切って暴走し日本軍まで 攻撃しようとしたところ、別の術者が召喚したバルゴン(青龍)で阻止。 最後に日蓮が現れ、玄武(ガメラ?)の術者であること匂わせ・・


Zillaman98 (talkcontribs)

the tweets still seem to indicate these monsters appear to go unnamed and honestly using another wiki as a source isn't a good idea.

DreamBrisdin (talkcontribs)

>the tweets still seem to indicate these monsters appear to go unnamed

The tweets say Jiger was clearly named in the book

@supinomatter 白虎はジャイガー(ジャイガンティスがなまった)

@AtoZmemories 白虎が「ジャイガー」と呼ばれたり

DreamBrisdin (talkcontribs)

@Astounding Beyond Belief

So what do you think?

Astounding Beyond Belief (talkcontribs)

I think it's very tricky to confidently state what names are used for the monsters in Holy Beast War Chronicle from secondhand sources. The distinction we would want to make as a wiki is stricter than that one might use when posting about a story in which monsters who are stand-ins for copyrighted characters appear. Would you be able to get a copy yourself?

Zillaman98 (talkcontribs)

Well Kadokawa themselves published the book so theres that.

Astounding Beyond Belief (talkcontribs)

I had missed that - certainly makes it more likely that those names are indeed used.

Zillaman98 (talkcontribs)

if they are indeed gamera kaiju then could every story in the book be featured too since ot seems to be collection of kaiju stories?

Astounding Beyond Belief (talkcontribs)

I would lean towards no, but we don't have firm book rules yet.

Zillaman98 (talkcontribs)

i mean if supposedly gamera and coe have a story in the book wouldn't that allow leeway to mention the other stories since they are also kaiju stories?

i know there isnt really any rules yet but last time i checked we was gonna allow the gigabash cast in because they share a game with godzilla im aware that they directly crossover but i thought just being featured would allow for some leeway to be mentioned at the very least if the other stories in the book are Kaiju centric

DreamBrisdin (talkcontribs)

Seemingly, at least Jiger was directly named.

But to confirm, I think I need to buy the book... I looked for any screenshots or websites where I can read, but no clues so far.

Astounding Beyond Belief (talkcontribs)

It's appreciated. I hate asking other editors to spend money, but sometimes there's only so much the internet can tell you.