User talk:DreamBrisdin

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Not editable

-Rebirth- clarifications
"Gamera in popular culture" page
Viras insanity beams
Just stop
S.P: the novel
Gamera -REBIRTH- novel
Origins and history
Gamera 4
Holy Beast War Chronicle: White Shadow
Godzilla Ultima

-Rebirth- clarifications

Les (talkcontribs)

Hi! Regarding your recent edits to the GAMERA -Rebirth kaiju, if it isn't too much trouble, could you tell me which pages of the art book that specific info is coming from so that there isn't just a single citation with several page numbers? For example, on Jiger, there is only one citation with pages "34-41, 60." That's quite broad, so I'd like to narrow it down.

Also, I noticed you readded "Vanishing Fist" to the Gamera page and added some other nonstandard translations. Are those written in English in the book? Thanks.

"Gamera in popular culture" page

Astounding Beyond Belief (talkcontribs)

The "Sightings" section on Gamera's page has expanded to the point that I believe we can justify a "Gamera in popular culture" page to take its place. Would you be up for starting this?

DreamBrisdin (talkcontribs)

Hi, thanks for the message. Definitely yes! I would love to do so.

Astounding Beyond Belief (talkcontribs)
DreamBrisdin (talkcontribs)

In that case, is it better for me to wait until the page is created? I'm not that familiar with the formats of the articles here, and I don't want to make it a sandbox due to my poor English and insufficient quality.

DreamBrisdin (talkcontribs)

Opps, sorry didn't notice to your last message.

DreamBrisdin (talkcontribs)
DreamBrisdin (talkcontribs)

Sorry, I'll be off for now. It's 2AM here in Japan. Would love to work on this, thanks.

Viras insanity beams

Astounding Beyond Belief (talkcontribs)

Do you know the source of this image? I'm just reluctant to have it as a reference without being able to clearly describe what it is.

DreamBrisdin (talkcontribs)

Hi man, truly sorry for delaying this much... I was actually infected with covid-19, and since I have a pneumonia as underlying disease, my symptom became heavier than usual, and it took me a time to recover, and I have been quite busy to catch up with my work as I've been away for several weeks.

Anyway, let's see... how about I create a X account and asks this user about the detail? I think that's the only solution.DreamBrisdin (talk) 06:51, 10 November 2023 (UTC)

Astounding Beyond Belief (talkcontribs)

No need to apologize - that sounds like quite an ordeal, and I'm glad you're feeling better! Yes, asking the user on X is a good idea.

DreamBrisdin (talkcontribs)

Thanks a lot, I'm completely fine now. Ok, I'll create a X account and ask him/her in details. I'll save the pic in case if he deletes it when I make a contact with him/her. DreamBrisdin (talk) 15:59, 10 November 2023 (UTC)

Zillaman98 (talkcontribs)

I really don't want to sound like im being staff but for the sake of everyone and ourselves Stop throwing a cow everytime someone dares to undo you're edits and procede to edit war because you're not getting you're way and someone dared to disagree with you, it comes off as insanely petty.

DreamBrisdin (talkcontribs)

Sigh. I repeat this. LET ADMINS TO DECIDE and that's why I hide it for now, but you still try to remove the entire thing. If admins delete, I will off course follow. But so far, except for Gamera 4, you keep proving yourself wrong.

Zillaman98 (talkcontribs)

let the admins decide is a crutch stop using it as an excuse to try absolve responsibility of you're own actions.

DreamBrisdin (talkcontribs)

Sorry, I don't understand your logic again. It's the best way to solve it, and that's what happened on Zedus.

Zillaman98 (talkcontribs)

I also didn't realize until now the text was even hidden, so i made a big error on my end and i admit to it.

DreamBrisdin (talkcontribs)

Oh ok, and now the page is protected. Please read the comment closely before making an action.

Zillaman98 (talkcontribs)

why can't you just please stop edit warring with non admins when they disagree or find you're edits dubious?

S.P: the novel

Zillaman98 (talkcontribs)

Putting aside our diffrences theres something i want to ask, do you have the SP novel or know about it, several pages need to be resourced directly from it and i would like to see more details from it that kyoeitoshi might had left out

DreamBrisdin (talkcontribs)

SP means Godzilla SP?

DreamBrisdin (talkcontribs)

If you mean Godzilla SP, then unfortunately no. I also don't have Kyoeitoshi, but if you need a help, I can check playing videos of Kyoeitoshi on Youtube to check the topics.

DreamBrisdin (talkcontribs)

You can list what you want to know about the SP novel and Kyoeitoshi. Not sure if I can find the answers, but I can at least search about them on Google.

Zillaman98 (talkcontribs)

some of it is already in the refrences of its respective page Godzilla Singular Point (novelization)

theres hardly anything online about the contents of the books and no one here wants to look into it at all

DreamBrisdin (talkcontribs)

I actually haven't watched the S.P. itself. And the page doesn't have much contents.

So, if people wants to know about it, then they should list what they want to know. Otherwise, I don't know where to start and what to look for.

Zillaman98 (talkcontribs)

specifically its lacking in the diffrences in show and novel

the novel also includes more lore that wasn't elaborated on the show which kaiju pages from it need i cited kyoeis twitter for godzillas beam being a molecule beam in nature but i was told that they want the book directly Godzilla (Godzilla Singular Point)#Atomic breath

DreamBrisdin (talkcontribs)

Wikipedia says "the story focuses more on viewpoints of Naratake, Jet Jaguar, Yung, Pelops II, and viewpoints of kaiju side". And the citations are mostly from Fan Books.

About atomic breath, references are from fan books and Uchusen, saying "godzilla creates various energy rings, and overlaps them to create a gravitational lens. This gravitational lens bends the space and concentrate. and godzilla fires an "atomic beam" though the rings.

Pixivpedia isn't useful as it doesn't have proper citations including page numbers.

  • The novel was nominated again for the Seiun Award in 2023 (it got the Seiun Award in 2022).
  • Yun Arikawa was secretly keep updating Naratake to surpass the intelligence of Goro Otaki.
  • All kaiju, regardless of species or individuals, share common memories and are able to foresee the future, although they compete each other.
  • The novel reveals the relationship between godzilla ultima and the godzilla skeleton, and the background story of how the previous godzilla was defeated and why it was later situated there.
  • According to staff, godzilla ultima possesses all abilities of other kaiju seen in the anime.
  • The mechanism of atomic beam, three tubes on its throat produces mists of different chemical substances, and these causes a chemical reaction within its mouth, and godzilla's respiration ignites it.
  • The discovery of a king ghidorah-like mutant fish.
  • The origins and secrets of other kaiju characters.
  • The origins of each kaiju and the mechanisms of their appearances. It is too complex to translate for now, so I paste the sentence directly in Japanese for now.
    • 怪獣界 その後発売された円城搭監修の小説版によれば、海底に存在する特異点から発生した紅塵が、深海に残留していた既存の生命の遺伝情報と発現機構を読み取り相互作用する事により怪獣が発生する。ラドン・マンダ・アンギラスらが既存の翼竜や恐竜に外見が類似しているのは従来の地球の生物に影響を受けたためであり、彼らは特異点から発生した紅塵を「手弁当」のように体内に貯蔵し、空・海・陸に移動してから死亡する事により死体が紅塵へと分解され、連鎖的に紅塵を世界中に拡散していく。ラドンおよびアンギラスは海中形態があり、進化の早回し方式で空中や陸上での活動に特化した形態へと変態する。怪獣の占領地となった地域では「虫型怪獣」が発生、人間を含む通常の物質を捕食する事により紅塵への依存から脱却し、分裂・産卵・繁殖によって勢力圏を拡大させ、死亡後虫型怪獣も紅塵へと分解される事により、自分たちの生態系の土台となる(クモンガが虫型なのは浜辺を歩いていた蜘蛛のDNAを利用したため)。 最終的には紅塵の渦に没した東京異界のように自立移動する植物型怪獣「ブロブ/グレイグー」が発生し、土壌や建築物などを全て分子レベルからアーキタイプベースに組み替えてしまう。ゴジラSPの怪獣は「手弁当型」→「虫型」→「完全アーキタイプ系」と順に既存の生態系を組み替え、動物界・鉱物界・植物界を再構成し、怪獣界と呼ぶべき世界に地球を塗り替えていく過程と言える。
Zillaman98 (talkcontribs)

Pixivpedia isn't a source that the site uses btw, that would be like sourcing to another fan wiki rather than firsthand.

DreamBrisdin (talkcontribs)

I know that's why I also said it isn't useful. Well, I haven't find any "descent" sources which say godzilla ultima's "atomic laser beam" is radioactive. On Pixivpedia, there is an information from the novelization, including side effects of the beam, and the possible future where godzilla ultima would destroy the entire world with its atomic beam.

Zillaman98 (talkcontribs)

The tweet i linked already said something along those lines.

DreamBrisdin (talkcontribs)

Opps, I actually misread that tweet and thought it was saying "it is radioactive". Well, I will let you know whenever I find something new with actual page numbers.

DreamBrisdin (talkcontribs)

All these information are from Pixivpedia. As I said, this isn't useful as it doesn't note any actual page numbers.

Zillaman98 (talkcontribs)

Some of those things had already been elaborated upon this site but i swear This book is actually cursed seems nobody wants it and thus will remain lost.

Zillaman98 (talkcontribs)

DreamBrisdin (talkcontribs)

All I find so far says it is an "atomic beam" (原子ビーム) while they don't clarify about whether or not it's radioactive.

DreamBrisdin (talkcontribs)

We need more people from Japan on this wiki. Seemingly I'm the only Japanese here (or maybe not?), and I can't cover the whole range myself...

Ultraman rides a dragon cuz yes (talkcontribs)

There actually is a other Japanese person here, although I dont think she uses this site that much anymore.

DreamBrisdin (talkcontribs)

Thanks. Good to know that I'm not the only one. But sad to know that she isn't active anymore.

Gamera -REBIRTH- novel

MrPenguin (talkcontribs)

Where did u obtain the Gamera -REBIRTH- novel?

DreamBrisdin (talkcontribs)

I'm from Japan. It was published here yesterday, and I bought it on Amazon and I got it few hours ago.

Origins and history

Zillaman98 (talkcontribs)

Can you Please stop putting things that very obviously belong in the Origins section in the history section of gamera rebirth, there is the origins section for a reason.

DreamBrisdin (talkcontribs)

Sorry, I don't understand your logic at all.

Zillaman98 (talkcontribs)

you are putting entire paragraphs that should be in the Origins part of kaiju profiles in the History section which no page does.

The show itself likely might not even entirely show these backstories yet you keep adding them to history where they should go into the origins section instead.

DreamBrisdin (talkcontribs)

Opps, I accidentally "thanked" you. What are you talking about with your "The show itself likely might not even entirely show these backstories"? It was included in one of promotional news stories. Same for the history of Gamera 100000 years ago. It was later published on the Official Website.

Zillaman98 (talkcontribs)

The history section isn't where any of that should be put in because the show might not even directly touch upon it as that could just end up being supplementary that doesnt get elaborated on in the episodes, and that information belongs in the origins section of each respective monster, the history is literally for whatever they do in whatever respective episode they appear in.

you don't see the entirety of monsterverse Godzilla's or the MUTO's origins in the history paragraph of those respective pages because that's not where they go

there is a reason we have origin sections on every kaiju page on the site

DreamBrisdin (talkcontribs)

Still don't get it. As I said, that info of Viras was on the promotional news story telling about what's to be depicted in the show, and not about the backstory which will be revealed in related books or comics. Anyway, let's end this here. We won' stop until one of us offer to stop.

Zillaman98 (talkcontribs)

nothing indicates that will be in the actual episodes and yet again..history section is for the actual history and actions of the kaiju in specific episodes

literally read any kaiju pages history section here, none of them include supplementary material

Astounding Beyond Belief (talkcontribs)

This barely seems worth arguing about, but as long as the show's unreleased, we might as well limit this information to Origins. In the likely case that it's in the show as well, it will be included in History too.

Zillaman98 (talkcontribs)

thank you i was trying to say that but i felt i couldn't communicate that

DreamBrisdin (talkcontribs)

Thank you man. I got it.

DreamBrisdin (talkcontribs)

Besides, when I added the info, it was you who hided it. If there was a problem, you could've have done it back then.

Zillaman98 (talkcontribs)

Im just gonna ask for both of our own sakes to not have an edit conflict further on the heisei gamera page.

I tried explaining a few times why i undid it as gamera 4 is in no way an official gamera film or product nor has it become one like the last hope nor is it even supposed to be the same canon as the heisei trilogy.

DreamBrisdin (talkcontribs)

Let's ask admins. This is beyond the matter we can decide.

DreamBrisdin (talkcontribs)

@Astounding Beyond Belief Man, sorry for bothering. Would you mind if I ask you to settle this?

Les (talkcontribs)

I don’t think there’s an easy answer. Japanese Wikipedia indicates that Gamera 4 is in fact a continuation of the Heisei trilogy. However, I’m not sure how to handle fan films on monster pages. We don’t mention Heritage or any others on the Godzilla page, for example. As Zillaman said, Garasharp is easier because The Last Hope has been released officially, and the canonicity isn’t important because it’s not split into incarnations.

DreamBrisdin (talkcontribs)

I see. Thanks for your help. So, what should I do in this case? Can I include the info and temporary mute it?

Zillaman98 (talkcontribs)

also i don't think just mentioning the feet of rebirth gyaos and nothing else about the new design in the design description works or is what the page needs infact i think Gyaos as a whole needs it's design section updated at some point.

This post was hidden by WikiTeq (history)
Zillaman98 (talkcontribs)
Astounding Beyond Belief (talkcontribs)

DreamBrisdin wrote both pages

Zillaman98 (talkcontribs)

well then...

I didnt know and didnt think about checking the edit history there so thats my mistake.

But i think the formatting still should be changed a bit to be in line with the rest of the sites pages.

DreamBrisdin (talkcontribs)

To Astounding Beyond Belief, thank a lot man.

DreamBrisdin (talkcontribs)

To Astounding Beyond Belief, how can I "verify" the page? (I mean to make it a proper article, not a sandbox.) I went to a library and wrote the pages. What I can do is that I go to the library again, take photos of corresponding pages, and upload the photos (screenshots) here. However, I wonder if that may violate copyright, and I need to upload dozens of such photos.

Astounding Beyond Belief (talkcontribs)

Photos of that many pages would be dicey, yeah; I don't think it's necessary. I left it as a sandbox just because it needs a grammar cleanup and is fairly lengthy.

DreamBrisdin (talkcontribs)

Ok, thanks man. I will try to tidy it up. As I wrote on the page, it's the biggest work of Kyogoku in terms of volume, and literally hundreds of crossovers, regardless of importance, were made, and these crossovers are a selling point of the series, and the story is VERY complex and definitely not easy to translate, so if you don't mind please give me a time to handle it.

Zillaman98 (talkcontribs)

what other things crossover in it thats not mentioned on the page

Zillaman98 (talkcontribs)

Also how do you even find this stuff even.

Holy Beast War Chronicle: White Shadow

Astounding Beyond Belief (talkcontribs)

Are Gamera, Jiger, and Barugon referred to by name in Holy Beast War Chronicle: White Shadow? From the descriptions I'm seeing of the book, it seems like all the stories in it are original.

Zillaman98 (talkcontribs)

i was actually about to just ask the same question lol thanks ABB

also is Friends: Gamera the Brave even a real book i cant find anything.

DreamBrisdin (talkcontribs)

>>Are Gamera, Jiger, and Barugon referred to by name in Holy Beast War Chronicle: White Shadow?

Apparently yes. It was by Shinichiro Inoue (Kadokawa representative director), and various online platforms (Pixivpedia, MugenWiki, Niconico Pedia, various Twitter accounts and blogs) say that the monsters in the novel are the actual Gamera monsters.

Friends: Gamera the Brave is this.

Zillaman98 (talkcontribs)

so could you give us where he called those monsters that?

DreamBrisdin (talkcontribs)

I haven't read the book yet, so I don't know which pages that were.

Zillaman98 (talkcontribs)

then could you point us to where these other platforms actually call the monsters that?

DreamBrisdin (talkcontribs)*2

Zillaman98 (talkcontribs)

half of those links don't indicate anything about the book.

and the tweets seem to indicate these monsters do not go named throughout this story and are only implied to be Gamera kaiju.

DreamBrisdin (talkcontribs)

>half of those links don't indicate anything

What do you mean? ALL of these indicate the Gamera monsters.

For the Amazon page, see the top comment by the user named ニコタマ.

Zillaman98 (talkcontribs)

half of the links (Pixivpedia, MugenWiki, Niconico Pedia) don't even mention the book.

reviews don't indicate a thing unless these monsters are actually named in the story itself which those tweets you provided imply they do not.

DreamBrisdin (talkcontribs)
DreamBrisdin (talkcontribs)

>half of the links (Pixivpedia, MugenWiki, Niconico Pedia) don't even mention the book.



同様に、平成ガメラの設定を引き継いだ井上伸一郎の小説『聖獣戦記 白い影』では、白虎に相当する怪獣として登場。対馬小太郎によって勾玉で操られ、元寇当時の日本海上で青龍(バルゴン)と死闘を繰り広げた。本作では元軍に同行していたヨーロッパ人から「ジャイガンティス」と呼ばれたことが名前の由来になっている。


やはり平成三部作の世界観を引き継いだ小説『聖獣戦記 白い影』では鎌倉時代の日本に出現。 弘安の役で活躍した御家人・龍造寺家清を守護する勾玉によって操られ、対馬小太郎が操る白虎ことジャイガーと死闘を繰り広げた。

Niconico Pedia

井上伸一郎「聖獣戦記 白い影」はジャイガー(白虎)が元寇に現れ モンゴル艦隊を蹴散らすが、術者の制御を振り切って暴走し日本軍まで 攻撃しようとしたところ、別の術者が召喚したバルゴン(青龍)で阻止。 最後に日蓮が現れ、玄武(ガメラ?)の術者であること匂わせ・・


Zillaman98 (talkcontribs)

the tweets still seem to indicate these monsters appear to go unnamed and honestly using another wiki as a source isn't a good idea.

DreamBrisdin (talkcontribs)

>the tweets still seem to indicate these monsters appear to go unnamed

The tweets say Jiger was clearly named in the book

@supinomatter 白虎はジャイガー(ジャイガンティスがなまった)

@AtoZmemories 白虎が「ジャイガー」と呼ばれたり

DreamBrisdin (talkcontribs)

@Astounding Beyond Belief

So what do you think?

Astounding Beyond Belief (talkcontribs)

I think it's very tricky to confidently state what names are used for the monsters in Holy Beast War Chronicle from secondhand sources. The distinction we would want to make as a wiki is stricter than that one might use when posting about a story in which monsters who are stand-ins for copyrighted characters appear. Would you be able to get a copy yourself?

Zillaman98 (talkcontribs)

Well Kadokawa themselves published the book so theres that.

Astounding Beyond Belief (talkcontribs)

I had missed that - certainly makes it more likely that those names are indeed used.

Zillaman98 (talkcontribs)

if they are indeed gamera kaiju then could every story in the book be featured too since ot seems to be collection of kaiju stories?

Astounding Beyond Belief (talkcontribs)

I would lean towards no, but we don't have firm book rules yet.

Zillaman98 (talkcontribs)

i mean if supposedly gamera and coe have a story in the book wouldn't that allow leeway to mention the other stories since they are also kaiju stories?

i know there isnt really any rules yet but last time i checked we was gonna allow the gigabash cast in because they share a game with godzilla im aware that they directly crossover but i thought just being featured would allow for some leeway to be mentioned at the very least if the other stories in the book are Kaiju centric

DreamBrisdin (talkcontribs)

Seemingly, at least Jiger was directly named.

But to confirm, I think I need to buy the book... I looked for any screenshots or websites where I can read, but no clues so far.

Astounding Beyond Belief (talkcontribs)

It's appreciated. I hate asking other editors to spend money, but sometimes there's only so much the internet can tell you.