Topic on User talk:Allosaurus

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Mantheplan123 (talkcontribs)

Hey Allosaurus how dd you set your wiki userpage as the first thing the person sees when they enter your account

Kaiju No. 14 (talkcontribs)

i can tell you that asp.

Allosaurus (talkcontribs)

Hello Mantheplan123, if I understand correctly, then visit your account page and click "Use wiki userpage".

Mantheplan123 (talkcontribs)

Butwhen i click it it takes me to the special toggle page

Allosaurus (talkcontribs)

Sorry if I understood wrong. If you want to edit your social profile, you can just click "Edit" button.

Mantheplan123 (talkcontribs)

Ok now that that's done i hae another thing i would like you to ask buddy What is a Sandbox?

Allosaurus (talkcontribs)

Sandbox is an unfinished page (or simply a draft), which can be finished later.

Mantheplan123 (talkcontribs)
