If you post the fake "Mechani-Kong is in Godzilla vs. Kong" link a fourth time, I'm banning you until the movie comes out.
Topic on User talk:Shin evangelion
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Bye then.
Wikizilla staff should not use their tools to settle editing disputes; for example, to lock a page on a version he or she prefers in an editing dispute that isn't vandalism, or use their blocking tool to block a user they have a dispute with. Their tools should be used to help keep the wiki clear of vandalism, spam, and users who make malicious edits, but not for simple disagreements between users acting in good faith. Ideally the Bureaucrats shouldn't be considered "in charge." The ideal Wikizilla staff member is just someone who is trusted to have a few extra buttons and to use them for the benefit of the Wikizilla community.
You were not acting in good faith under any possible interpretation of the term. Clearly you realize this, since you tried hiding my earlier posts, so don't go throwing the rulebook at me.
just letting u keep in mind that anyone can use the book
plus i have back up accounts so . . . you cant keep me quiet because of a little bit of tom foolery
Making jokes is a right of every human unless your one of those serious people who hate jokes
We're a wiki. You're not going to get many laughs by making things up. I'm going to reduce the block time - it was out of proportion - but keep spamming fake links and it'll go right back. We ban duplicate accounts permanently, by the way.
I normally use the back up accounts because my main email always gets hacked
You're not making a whole lot of sense here
i sometimes have to use my alter accounts to access this with different emails because, this acc's email always gets hacked from like Korea or London some how
I am... no closer to understanding what you're talking about. If you want to starting using one of your alts as your main account and close this one, that's fine, but no duplicate accounts means no duplicate accounts.
but i do have a question, Who is AutoBlock?
oh yeah and the Rodan Page is missing its Comment box by the way
Yeah, we suppressed that when the comments were glitching up sitewide and forgot to revert it. I've done that now.
No i did not get rid of that comment box
and who is Auto Block?
And who is I Love Ferrets?
Someone who got banned for incessantly spamming the comments, if memory serves.
So many spam bots and sock puppet bans
I remember that Mechani Kong was confirmed for Godzilla vs Kong for the rumor'ed Godzilla vs Kong video game that said one of the listed monsters is Mechani-Kong (2021)