Topic on User talk:KunshuGoji

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KunshuGoji (talkcontribs)

Did he ever actually appear in the show? I haven't been able to find anything on him outside of the screenshots from that one trailer.

Gorogera (talkcontribs)

Nope. What looked like Hedorah was actually just the reconstructed upper half of a bifurcated Kumonga.

KunshuGoji (talkcontribs)

Ah, thanks! I have mixed feeling towards singular point but it would've been pretty cool to see Hedorah again.

Gorogera (talkcontribs)

Hopefully they find a way to work him in for real in season 2.

KunshuGoji (talkcontribs)

Same here, although I personally haven't fully watched SP yet. As always, I'd still love to see Battra and especially Destoroyah in season 2. I feel like a big, bad, anime Destoroyah would be one of the coolest looking kaiju.