User talk:Gorogera

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Hey, wanted to contact you for a while

UnrealBox (talkcontribs)

Hey dude, am new here. I am basically blind if anything bad happened, but I want to start editing/finishing the Shin Ultraman pages. I saw you did basically all profiles that are unfinished. Is it alright if i can help you in any way i can to get them published? I wish Wikizilla to have Shin Ultraman info as much as possible, so i want to assist with it. Hope it is allowed and alright.

Zillaman98 (talkcontribs)

He isnt active but i was the last person to edit it so im here.

Also you dont need to ask permission to start editing sandboxes anyone can do it.

UnrealBox (talkcontribs)

I see. I mainly wish to see if it can be made into full page profiles, outside of the Sandbox. Is that a posibility, or do the pages have to be "finished" for them to be "released"? I never edited before, but i think i wish to see if i can finish some Shin Ultraman character pages. I been thinking of retouching/starting Zoffy's. (As he's the most basic of the characters).

Zillaman98 (talkcontribs)

Im glad you want to help but Direct Links are not how things should be cited on the site and a lot of the stuff put in Zoffys personality should be in history.

Zillaman98 (talkcontribs)
UnrealBox (talkcontribs)

Will do. My bad. No much of an idea how to put sourcing links, but I'll see what i can do.

Zillaman98 (talkcontribs)

All sections have to be filled at least


Shinomura (talkcontribs)

You need to understand somethings about Internet leaks:

  1. A leaker doesn't always HAVE to mention all the info in a single leak, with his few words "Godzilla is not from this world" was enough.
  2. If really Rodan were related to Godzilla the Giant/Shadow Rodan wouldn't have tried attack him and force him to use his nuclear ring.

I appreciate your opinion, but I'm not interested on it.

Astounding Beyond Belief (talkcontribs)

Why you're being such a prick about the validity of a 4chan post is beyond me.

BoopN00dle (talkcontribs)

Shino, why does this leak matter so much to you? Also I'm pretty sure you're breaking the Civility rules.

OOM-9 (talkcontribs)

Getting one thing right doesn't validate an entire leak, with that logic that would be saying a leak of KOTM that gets the entire plot wrong but was right about the bowing scene would be "real". These are just guesses that turn out correct and the leaker didn't mention anything about 4 dimensions in the 4chan image you provided, which interestingly enough you edited out in the last thread (image link here ) Additionally you continue to ignore Kumonga having an entirely different origin in the show as opposed to what the leak says and if Rodan wasn't related at all why would they have HIS SPINES like your precious """leak""" claims. Even the Mandas have Godzilla's spines on their tails, but they are still his enemies. The leak said all the kaiju opposed to Godzilla are natural terrestrial life meanwhile the show itself tells us they all come from Goji's archetype, and Salunga itself is a singular point like Godzilla. To top it all off the fact Godzilla Terrestris wasn't mentioned anywhere in the leak despite being a pretty BIG plot point in the show. To top of it all off the "leak" you are treating as gospel, you yourself keep contradicting its contents, because you know its fake. At this point I am convinced you are knowingly spreading bad info and possibly it was you who made this fake leak to begin with

BoopN00dle (talkcontribs)

Please keep this civil, OOM-9.

BoopN00dle (talkcontribs)

so it was fake lol

Shinomura (talkcontribs)

Yeah. My mistake. However this started cause you entered to my conversation with Les, instead of avoid talking on a place where you were not invited in first place and then you filled my conversation with your comments.

Soo basically you started causing problems to yourself by not respecting my conversation with Les.

My advice is if you wanna talk with me send me a message in my talk page.

The leak was probably talking about a beta-version of the anime, who knows?

I hope this left things solved between us.



Astounding Beyond Belief (talkcontribs)

No one needs to be "invited" into a conversation on this site. Own your own bad behavior.

Shinomura (talkcontribs)

Me bad behaviour?

Gorogera started filling my conversation with Les of comments saying this is fake cause x, this is fake cause y, this is fake, etc.

Yeah no one needs to be invited ok, ok... but first I have never entered other people conversations here.

Don't you think is more fair he to send me a message in my wall if he wanna talk something than just filling my  conversations a lot of comments I don't care about?

Astounding Beyond Belief (talkcontribs)

I think it makes zero difference. Seems like your main objection was someone who wasn't a mod daring to disagree with you.

BoopN00dle (talkcontribs)

Shino, honest question, why is it so hard to believe that a leak could be fake?

Shinomura (talkcontribs)


BoopN00DLE I clearly admited it was my mistake believe it to be real in my message to Grogera.

BoopN00dle (talkcontribs)

No, the closest you get to admitting it was fake was "The leak was probably talking about a beta-version of the anime, who knows?"

Shinomura (talkcontribs)

I clearly can read this:

"Yeah. My mistake."

That is it... maybe to "you" is not enough but I clearly said with few words it was my mistake to believe it was real or that was what I tried to say to Gorogera. The beta-version is the second point that implies the thing was wrong.

Second why people is talking to me like the bad guy of the movie?

  1. I didn't made edits with the leak.
  2. I neither tried to propose a Content Revision Thread with it.
  3. Also yeah let me remember you I was politely talking with Les. Before three guys started the unnecessary debate in the conversation.
  4. With Les opinion would have been enough.
  5. I simply defended my points during the time I believed the leak was real...don't see how that is breaking rules.
BoopN00dle (talkcontribs)

ok, it wasn't clear.

For the second half, no one is making you a bad guy beyond pointing out things wrong. 1. we never brought up that you did or did not

2. Same as above

3. as ABB, an ADMIN says, anyone can join any conversation

4. But our opinions don't matter?

5. We never said you were breaking rules by defending your point. We were arguing with you, because we disagreed with the leak. I said you were breaking rules, (which, I at least, still believe you were), but not to do with the leak, you're breaking the civility rules, acting, if I may, like a petulant child who can't be wrong and makes up excuses and won't state they are wrong. But I do thank you for finally agreeing.

That is all.

Shinomura (talkcontribs)

I just wanted to prevent not to have future disscussions with him. It was more like a recommendation rather than me really forcing him not to participate in my conversations. Cause talking seriously if he does depends on him.

Yeah, it was childish to continue the conversation here again.

Also never said the opinions of others don't matter.... more like saying I'm not interested on debates with other people here, cause it always ends into a mess.

Yeah, my mistake was to show the leak in this wiki... ughh...

My second mistake was to trust it as it got some successful predictions.

My bad, I apologize to you guys scpecially with Gorogera.

BoopN00dle (talkcontribs)

thank you. And I'm sorry if I was too hard on you.

Shinomura (talkcontribs)

Is ok mate.

Pacific Rim: The Black Jaegers

Astounding Beyond Belief (talkcontribs)

Where are you seeing Striker Eureka and Valor Omega outside of the intro?

Gorogera (talkcontribs)

They were in the trailer.

Astounding Beyond Belief (talkcontribs)

Okay, I see Striker now - some clever editing going on in the beginning - but not Valor.

Gorogera (talkcontribs)

Why does everyone think that Nozuki's name is now Warbat? If you looked even a little bit into past Monsterverse toylines, you'll see that Lanard renamed every Skull Island creature (that wasn't Kong) to something more generic and easier for kids to memorize. Who's to say the same's not going on here?

Astounding Beyond Belief (talkcontribs)

We can't just assume the name from an older leaked image is official because we think it's cooler.

JurassicKaiju14 (talkcontribs)

My personal theory is that "Warbat" is the name of the species, and Nozuki is the name of their alpha, like the Skull Devil/Ramarak is to the Skullcrawlers.

But that's just me.

Mech Anguirus (talkcontribs)

I agree

Astounding Beyond Belief (talkcontribs)

Multiple Kong-sized Warbats make that less likely.

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