There's a lot of deleted scenes from the Heisei Godzilla films mainly the last three. So far I think I found them all and even considered at some point doing extended cuts to them by editing scenes back in to the movies where those parts where cut out. So while I found the original ending to Godzilla vs. Destoroyah, where Godzilla kills Destoroyah before he dies through my old video collection. I couldn't find anywhere probably the saddest most baffling scene in a Godzilla film to ever be cut out and that's where in Godzilla vs. Spacegodzilla, after Spacegodzilla lures Godzilla's son Junior into the crystal prison, Godzilla unsuccessfully tries to get him out. See the link in the picture below.
Long story short there's of course the scene you can find where he breaks free of the prison after Spacegodzilla dies, but is there by chance any home video copy that has this missing scene? Sadly the copy I got doesn't have it but has every other deleted scene which is weird.