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Favorite Movies:

-Godzilla Final Wars

-Ghidorah: The Three Headed Monster

-Godzilla vs Mechagodzilla (Heisei)

-Clash of the Titans (1981)

-Jason and the Argonauts

-Avengers Infinity War

-Return of the Jedi

-All 4 of the Kung Fu Panda movies

-All 4 of the Monty Python movies

-History of the World Part 1



-Both Spiderverse movies

-The Croods

-Godzilla Minus One

- The Deadpool movies

- Both of the Fantastic Four movies made by Fox Studios

- Van Helsing (the 2004 movie with Hugh Jackman)

- Beetlejuice (the original, yet to finish the sequel, may update)

-Hellboy and Hellboy: The Golden Army

-Suicide Squad (2021)

-Conan the Barbarian and Destroyer -Terminator 1 and 2


Favorite TV shows

-Kung Fu Panda: Legends of Awesomeness

-It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia

-The Mandalorian

-Record of Ragnarok

-Jojo's Bizarre Adventure



Favorite Pieces of Music

-You Gave Love a Bad Name

-Showa, Heisei and Monsterverse's Mothra Song

-Rodan's theme by Phillip Andersson


-(Don't you want) Somebody to Love

-Safe and Sound

-Can't Hold Us

-Anything from the God of War franchise, like Isle Combat, Duel with Ares, Hammer of Thor, Hand of Odin and Lullaby of the Giants to name a few

-Anything from the Dante's Inferno OST, like Excessum Alighiero, Bleeding Charon, Cocytus and Battle with Adraman to name a few


Favorite Books

-Harryhausen: The Lost Movies

-War Eagles


-After Man

Video games

Favorite Videogames:

-God of War (2018) and God of War Ragnarok

-Cell to Singularity

-Team Fortress 2

-Star Wars: Battlefront 2 (2017)

-Bayonetta (1)

-Atomic Heart (and it's DLC, Annihilation Instinct and Enchantment under the Sea)


Favorite Magazines


-National Geographic Kids

-MAD Magazine


Favorite TV shows

-Kung Fu Panda: Legends of Awesomeness

-It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia

-The Mandalorian

-Record of Ragnarok

-Jojo's Bizarre Adventure



Favorite Drinks

-Mtn Dew (Voltage, Baja Blast, Spark, etc)

-Fanta (Orange, Pineapple, etc)

-Any variant of Punch from any brand (Minute Maid, Tropical Punch, etc)

-Ghost Energy Drink (the blue raspberry hits different)

-Lemonade (nothing specific, though that blue lemonade from Texas Roadhouse might be #1)

- Sprite Strawberry (one of the only good flavors of Sprite)

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