User talk:Kumongus

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Well I am just completely mad at the Godzilla fanbase rn.

Kumongus (talkcontribs)

Apparently in the words of Unknowingly him/herself on twitter, the Man in the Suit analog horror series is CANCELLED!!!!!! You wanna know why it's cancelled???? Because apparently we still have TOXIC A-HOLES who rain SHIT onto actually good fanmade content for no discernable reason. NO REASON WHATSOEVER!!!!

SO now one of my genuine favorite fanmade products from the Godzilla series (as well as one of the best Analog Horrors) is probably NEVER gonna come back, NEVER gonna be continued, NEVER gonna be seen again at the light of day. BECAUSE APPARANTLY WE CANNOT HAVE NICE THINGS RELATED TO A SERIES WE BOTH LOVE!!!!!!!

JohnGojira (talkcontribs)

Yeah, I hope he is okay, because that is really sad to hear that he was forced to cancel the series.

MrPenguin (talkcontribs)

correct me but didn't unknowingly target a single individual for criticizing their series? well R.I.P to TMITS

Ultraman rides a dragon cuz yes (talkcontribs)

Didn't really care for TMITS anyways, unfortunate I guess tho :P.

anyone have a link to the Titanic Creations discord server?

Kumongus (talkcontribs)

I completely forgot that they do have one, but I can't seem to find one anywhere, can anyone help me out?

Cohozilla (talkcontribs)

A site that I use to watch anime is It has a pretty big variety of anime, and happens to have all 6 episodes for Rebirth. Hope this helps.

Kumongus (talkcontribs)

That also helps thank yous!

Cohozilla (talkcontribs)

This is what I meant.

Kumongus (talkcontribs)

oh yeah that, I forgot about it tbh

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