Sker Buffalo

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Sker Buffalo
The Skele-Buffalo in Kong: Skull Island
Alternate names Giant Buffalo,
Giant Water Buffalo,
Skull Buffalo
Species Giant Water Buffalo
Height 13 meters[1]
Length 19 meters[1]
Weight 22 metric tons[1]
Forms None
Controlled by None
Relations None
Allies TBA
Enemies TBA
Created by TBA
Played by CGI
First appearance Kong: Skull Island
Latest appearance Kong: Skull Island
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The Skele-Buffalo[1] is a giant water buffalo Template:Kaiju that appears in the 2017 Legendary Pictures Template:FilmC, Kong: Skull Island.


The Sker-Buffalo superficially resembles an abnormally large water buffalo, but has some distinct traits. It possesses incredibly large horns, which appear to fork into at least three branches. The Skele-Buffalo has what appears to be algae covering a large portion of its body, most likely due to its habit of spending long amounts of time underwater. Its back is shaped like coral so as to allow it to blend in perfectly with its surroundings while underwater.[1]


To be added.



The Skele-Buffalo is an amphibious creature, and can remain completely submerged underwater for several days at a time.[1]


The coral-shaped surface of the Skele-Buffalo's back allows it to blend in seamlessly with its surroundings.[1]


This is a list of references for Sker Buffalo. These citations are used to identify the reliable sources on which this article is based. These references appear inside articles in the form of superscript numbers, which look like this: [1]

Warner Bros.