Topic on User talk:The King of the Monsters

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Zillaman98 (talkcontribs)

Im not sure if you know this but i published Ralph

However his design description probably needs to be expanded and im not sure how to word it i also want to ask will george ever get history id do it myself but im bad at long plot related paragraphs

Zillaman98 (talkcontribs)

And unrelated but i hope its not a bother to ask for some assistance on the Mondo merch page as well.

Astounding Beyond Belief (talkcontribs)

"Bad at summaries" is a temporary state - I wasn't all that good at them when I started editing here either. It takes practice.

Zillaman98 (talkcontribs)

also Unrelated but i added pics of the unreleased SHMA Utsuno and Heisei Rodan prototypes

is there any information on them specifically when and where they was shown off?