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question about the SP Rodan infobox pic?
wait so why was that undone? last time i checked i didn't think infoboxes displayed forms based on chronological order, Destoroyahs main infobox image being displayed isn't his Micro form and Shin Gojis isn't the first form so why exactly was it changed back to the first form Rodan?
the second forms had much more screen-time overall than the first form which would make them the most prominent form featured and going by how Destoroyah and Shins infoboxes go shouldn't that be the main image displayed?
Kaiju No. 14
Maybe image quality? I am also curious about why you made that edit KOTM
The King of the Monsters
Perfect Destoroyah and 4th Form Shin Godzilla are objectively the most prominent forms, not based on screentime but simply marketing and how often they appear in other media and merchandise. SP Rodan is almost entirely represented by the 1st form in marketing for the show and merchandise, with the only real prominent merchandise of the 2nd form being the S.H. MonsterArts figure. I'm not saying 1st form is objectively more prominent than the 2nd form, but I think it's close enough that it makes the most sense to simply go in chronological order in this instance.