Topic on User talk:Zillaman98

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Summary by Zillaman98

Leave me alone

LindenHS (talkcontribs)

So remember that little incident… well a new canon game is available with lore, which someone involved in said argument had access to… as evidenced by them posting stuff from it, and HEY!

look at that. Skulldevils/Crawlers are NOT TITANS! Imagine that…

Les (talkcontribs)

You really gotta cool it with the condescension, man.

Personally I don't see this as damning one way or the other. We've never argued that the Skullcrawlers at large are Titans, just the Skull Devils (which I guess are called "Alpha Skullcrawlers" now). The Devil bio only says that "Skullcrawlers" are not Titans, and then seems to contrast that with the Skull Devils. They are even placed under the category of "Small Titan" in the game:

It seems like the same situation with the new Snarehunters. The drones are not Titans, but the Queen/Alpha is.

Zillaman98 (talkcontribs)

you are obsessed with this.

Leave me alone.