Topic on User talk:Astounding Beyond Belief

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OOM-9 (talkcontribs)

Hello I was hoping to continue the discussion on the Shimo page. Fair point about those figure listings possibly being botched copy-paste. But with Jared describing Shimo with male pronouns on various tweets, and no other source but him and these listings. I still think neutral pronouns are the best option at preventing misconceptions about Shimo, until we get more information and confirmation. Information from product listings have changed multiple times in the MV's past, like the Nozuki becoming War-bat

Keeri'ijra (talkcontribs)

Most official sources cite Shimo as female aside from aforementioned possible copy-paste. As for Jared, he also stated that he has not seen the film or even the footage in the trailer, he likely designed the creatures he was asked to and had no further invlovement. I wouldn't call him all that accurate of a source outside of the design process.

Ultraman rides a dragon cuz yes (talkcontribs)

Like I said before, the Shimu gender debate will be remembered for eons.