ThatOneKaijuFan2011 did it so I will. Ask me anything, but if you ask me anything weird I'll carpet bomb your house-
Topic on User talk:MechZilla74
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Are you a Minecraft Gamer Real?
How do you think the world will react to a Kaiju attack?
People would probably be in a mix of fear, panic, and confusion. Scientists would be dumbfounded as to how such a creature even exists, and the government would respond by attacking it through the military, and if that fails, they'd likely try to nuke it, which, depending on what kind of kaiju it is, would make things better or worse.
Me? I'd just sit back and watch lmfao
favorite cereal
Cinnamon Toast Crunch gang
This post was hidden by MechZilla74 (history)
What is the meaning of life, the universe, and everything?
This post was hidden by MechZilla74 (history)