User talk:Sooploosh MacSchnibble

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BaragonwaSaikoda (talkcontribs)

hi, please leave Duck Cult. the whole reason why i know you are in this group is because, in a DM i was, somebody was spying on that server, and they sent a screenshot of some of your messages from there. honestly, i'm dissapointed as hell. why? because Duck Cult is affiliated with a server called "Warsaw" owned by somebody named "Fune 360" who you probably know. (also, Duck Cult has leaked the database of a government of a country before, IIRC, it was USA)

Warsaw is full of edgelords who love bigoted memes and gore, straight up harrasses people and spreads lies about them, and they have been targeting one of my friends for about a year now. they have made up all sorts of lies about him and constantly harrassed him, doxxing him, even going after his family too. they claimed to stop a few months ago but they're doing it again now. they also have not just harrassed me and his other friends too (especially one named "halaget" which is his old username), but Warsaw is even fucking harrassing me.

in February, i cut ties with some toxic user who's done horrible things on the inetrnet, because he kept on using my old username (if you saw anybody ever mention "JEVILOGEN" in that server, then that is me, and JEVILOGEN is my old username and i hate people calling me that) behind my back. so what did he do? reupload a complation video of me in VCs during an already resolved conflict, raging and at one point having a legit mental breakdown, constantly start calling me by my old username and join Warsaw himself. in early March, i even became an actual target for harrassment from Warsaw too. just today i saw one of those Warsaw members just go after me again on YouTube and this time i've had enough, that's the last straw.

so please leave Duck Cult and any of its edgy "haxxing" groups affiliated with it like PWNSEC, they're not even good places to be in, they'll just teach you to spread lies and harrass people, and i don't want people from the Godzilla community being turned into people like that. sorry if this post was mainly just about Warsaw, but i don't want people in the Godzilla community to be even affiliated with any of Warsaw's allies due to the shit that they've done, i'm sorry if i'm trying to bring in drama which i'm not, i just want to feel safer, that's all

Titanus Kaiju Fan (talkcontribs)

What the heck is Duck Cult?

Sooploosh MacSchnibble (talkcontribs)

oh I hate warsaw, I was there for like I think abt 10 minutes before I saw gore and left (I am extremely sensitive to gore due to gore related trauma I had in 2022 =<) um, im not too active on discord anymore, however, I do not wish to leave duck cult. Im actually good friends w the owner, and hes actually rlly nice and sweet. He does kinda like bigoted memes, but he rlly only likes them for the shock value, hes not icky like that. in fact, when I sent him my selfies he said that id definitely pass as a girl, and a lot of people there are super sweet. also, Duck Cult IS PWNSEC, they just rebranded. Yes, a lot of the people ther are very toxic, especially anyone in the docen cult, however, I wont let them change me I promise! also, I actually am an admin in PWNSEC, and like, I can ban toxic ppl. If u want, I can tell Trioptic that warsaw sucks and is super icky and mayb I can convince him to cut ties?

Sooploosh MacSchnibble (talkcontribs)

wow I did not at all expect for duck cult stuff to be brought up here. I had to take a triple take and then another double take after that

Sooploosh MacSchnibble (talkcontribs)

oh oh also, if you would like to reach out to me on discord (sooplooshmacschnibble) to talk privately abt this, id be happy to! I do want to hear your story since ik ur concerned abt me, and I have a few PWNSEC related concerns myself.

BaragonwaSaikoda (talkcontribs)

ok, thanks

btw @Titanus Kaiju Fan Duck Cult/PWNSEC is a... Discord server??? group??? technology/hacking group??? idk. but im glad you hate Warsaw too

Titanus Kaiju Fan (talkcontribs)

I don't know what Warsaw is.

BaragonwaSaikoda (talkcontribs)

Warsaw is some discord server (and harrassment group) owned by some edgelord, i alr described it in the post

Sooploosh MacSchnibble (talkcontribs)

I left duck cult for unrelated reasons btw

Les (talkcontribs)

Your edits have otherwise been productive, but don't do this. Next time it's a ban.

Sooploosh MacSchnibble (talkcontribs)

Hi there, im rlly sorry. I was kind of hoping someone would find it funny, but I already was fully aware it was kinda dumb. I was going off "Well its better than NOTHING" when rlly it wasnt bc I left stuff out, but yeh im soooo sorry.

Deletion of First Article

Keeri'ijra (talkcontribs)

Don't be discouraged by the deletion of an article, do keep trying! It can be very hard to find a topic that is both relevent and hasn't been picked up by another user. Whilst the small creatures are almost certainly not new (and are most definitely just to serve as Kong's asthetic), there will be other things that you can create and work on. For instance, there is the Gyaos incarnation pages(A very important one):, and most of the GigaBash Kaiju: The point is, while the small flying creatures are not significant enough to have an article for, there are other things that will need articles in the future and sandboxes around the Wiki that need some work and you could help improve on, so if your sandbox gets deleted, don't let be discouraged.

Sooploosh MacSchnibble (talkcontribs)

Okay. Thanks, but I don't have gigabash, so I'll have to do the Gyaos one.

Keeri'ijra (talkcontribs)

Like I said, the main point is just that there are many articles and sandboxes that need work, I suggest looking at the Beurocrats' (such as AstoundingBeyondBelief, Les, and The King of The Monsters) user pages, as they list a bunch of sandboxes in the works. Thank you for being understanding.

Sooploosh MacSchnibble (talkcontribs)

I understand. I thought this was like Gojipedia, where they made articles for smaller creatures like the Giant spider found in Mothra's temple in KotM

Sooploosh MacSchnibble (talkcontribs)

Could I put the flying guys in the list of minor monsters?

Keeri'ijra (talkcontribs)

Probably. They might still get removed, but that's not a bad idea.

Astounding Beyond Belief (talkcontribs)

It's the same problem - we don't have any idea what they are yet.

Sooploosh MacSchnibble (talkcontribs)

Oh yeah. They seem the same size as hellhawks, so they could just be that.

Zillaman98 (talkcontribs)

im glad you want to give Nebula a page but there was already a sandbox page for Nebula that was waiting to be worked on

i highly recommend you check the sandbox list page out next time to see what all has sandboxes that are waiting to be published as pages


Sooploosh MacSchnibble (talkcontribs)

Okay! thanks for adding my writing to the old one!

Sooploosh MacSchnibble (talkcontribs)

Is there a page for Gwoemul? I thought there was but I can't find it.

Astounding Beyond Belief (talkcontribs)

No, The Host doesn't qualify.

Zillaman98 (talkcontribs)

The Host unfortunately didn't fit within the Scope of what the website covers.

i recommend you check it out as well as the Sandbox list there's plenty of stuff there that needs some editing.

Zillaman98 (talkcontribs)
Sooploosh MacSchnibble (talkcontribs)

Wait, why not? Gwoemul is a kaiju, and the spiritual successor to Godzilla? If Wikizilla is supposed to be a Kaiju wiki, why doesn't Gwoemul count?

Zillaman98 (talkcontribs)

If you read the scope you would know that we are not an "every kaiju and giant monster wiki"

and the Host as far as im aware wasnt inspired or influnced by godzilla .

Sooploosh MacSchnibble (talkcontribs)

I'm pretty sure it was influenced by Godzilla in a small way, considering how similar the movies are in a spiritual way, but theres nothing I can do to probve it.

Sooploosh MacSchnibble (talkcontribs)

Wait, why EXACTLY does gwoemul not fit the scope?

Zillaman98 (talkcontribs)
Sooploosh MacSchnibble (talkcontribs)

I swear at one point there was a Gwoemul article. I feel like I remember it before I made this account.

Astounding Beyond Belief (talkcontribs)

There was a sandbox at one time, but that was back when we were basically just letting films in based on vibes (and it being one of the most esteemed giant monster movies ever made didn't hurt it either). I agree that kaiju eiga likely influenced it to some extent, but it's not practical for us to be that lenient about what we cover. The scope rules also don't take a film's quality into account (mostly).

Sooploosh MacSchnibble (talkcontribs)

Maybe you should add something in the rules about Gwoemul being the only exception because he's cool.

Zillaman98 (talkcontribs)

He literally just explained why we can't

Sooploosh MacSchnibble (talkcontribs)

Wait, why does colossal count but not gwoemul?

Zillaman98 (talkcontribs)

did you read the scope rules?

Non-Japanese, live-action films must either:

  1. Include a giant monster and demonstrate significant influence from or on the Godzilla, King Kong, and/or Gamera series, beyond the mere presence of a giant monster.
  2. Include a giant monster and share a director, special effects director, screenwriter, or suitmaker with the Godzilla or Gamera series. Assistant positions do not count.
  3. Include at least one stop-motion giant monster animated by Willis O'Brien, chief animator for the original King Kong.
  4. Be a remake of, or sequel/prequel to, another qualified film.

The following types of films will be automatically excluded:

  1. Mockbusters of qualified films, unless they make significant use of practical effects. This does not necessarily exclude spoofs or parodies.
  2. Films with extremely low production value (e.g. Ganjasaurus Rex and The Mighty Gorga).
  3. Films which could be sufficiently covered by another available wiki.
  4. Pornography.

Colossal falls under Number 1 because the director himself cited Godzilla multiple times

plus the Toho lawsuit is another reason i think its here

bong joon-ho has never outright cited godzilla as influnce.

Sooploosh MacSchnibble (talkcontribs)

I read the rules, but I didn't know about the Colossal influence or Toho lawsuit. Hypothetically, what if, one day, Gwoemul became a famous monster like Godzilla and king kong, and started a whole series of his own, with his own band of giant monsters to fight. What if his series became as influential as Godzilla and Gamera's. Would we add him as one of the monsters we can add? Like if we made the scope "the kaiju must be from either the Godzilla, King Kong, Gamera, or Gwoemul series". This doesn't just go for gwoemul, lets say any new kaiju rises to that status.

Zillaman98 (talkcontribs)

you are grasping at a hypothetical that will absolutely never happen as a justification.

the answer is still no.

Sooploosh MacSchnibble (talkcontribs)

I don't think you understand what I'm saying. I was just using Gwoemul as an example. I was saying if any other kaiju became as influential as the big three guys this wiki revolves around,with a large series and many oponents, would they be added into the mix? I'm not really trying to add Gwoemul anymore (it would be nice, but that's not what I'm trying to do).

Sooploosh MacSchnibble (talkcontribs)

Oh, you edited it, but I was responding to what you originally said.

Zillaman98 (talkcontribs)

if a hypothetical franchise or whatever used Godzilla as an influence then yes.

but i dont see any new kaiju franchises anytime soon.

Sooploosh MacSchnibble (talkcontribs)

But if Godzilla wasn't an influence, then, no matter how famous it (let's call this kaiju Daira, just because it sounds like a really generic kaiju name) became, it wouldn't be added? Like, what if other Kaiju popped up citing Daira as an influence?

Zillaman98 (talkcontribs)


something being "Famous" has literally nothing to do with what the site covers

ABB just said Despite the host being one of the most highly regarded Monster movies it's not being covered because of the apparent lack of any outright Godzilla influence.

if that was the case then we would of been Covering the entirety of Attack on Titan here.

Zillaman98 (talkcontribs)

But i am curious

Lets try another hypothetical here

so hypothetically what if lets say Troll a film that didn't make the cut here for example has a sequel and it's directly said by whoever is working on the film to be based on Godzilla/Kong/Gamera or maybe even War of the Gargantuas.

How would this be handled?

Sooploosh MacSchnibble (talkcontribs)

Also, Rhedosaurus doesn't fit the scope. He is not influenced by King Kong, Godzilla, or Gamera (Especially since he predated the latter two), he doesn't share a director, screen writer, special effects director with Godzilla or Gamera (like I said, he came before them) and he isn't a sequel, prequel, or remake of any of the films.

Zillaman98 (talkcontribs)

the Rhedosaurus was an Influence on Godzilla it goes both ways

Astounding Beyond Belief (talkcontribs)

The hypothetical Troll 2 (cursed title, that) would qualify under rule 1 for miscellaneous films and Troll would thus qualify under rule 4. But The War of the Gargantuas influence wouldn't be a consideration.

Sooploosh MacSchnibble (talkcontribs)

Ah, okay then. Also, sorry if I seem annoying, I'm just trying to find things out because I'm curious.

Astounding Beyond Belief (talkcontribs)

And Zillaman's quite right; the wording is "influence from or on the Godzilla, King Kong, and/or Gamera series[.]"

(And no worries; I'll grant that the scope rules are extremely complicated. Still better than what we had, or didn't have, before!)

Sooploosh MacSchnibble (talkcontribs)

I just realized, the scope said " it must Be a remake, direct sequel/prequel, spiritual successor, or parody to a qualified film or series." If "The Host" is the spiritual successor to Godzilla, why doesn't it count?

Zillaman98 (talkcontribs)

because the director never cited godzilla as an influence


Astounding Beyond Belief (talkcontribs)

You should step away; the condescension is getting excessive.

Zillaman98 (talkcontribs)

i apologize for that.

Astounding Beyond Belief (talkcontribs)

If another giant monster rose to the same level of fame as Godzilla, King Kong, and Gamera without qualifying for inclusion on this site, and if no wiki sprang up for its franchise, we'd certainly have a decision to make. But those are a couple of very big ifs.

Sooploosh MacSchnibble (talkcontribs)

I'm going to start concept art for Daira right now, and try to get him to be that famous, and see what happens.

Sooploosh MacSchnibble (talkcontribs)

Another hypothetical question, what if a movie said Godzilla was a huge inspiration, but it wasn't a kaiju movie. Like, they say it was more of the human characters, and the meaning behind Godzilla that inspired their movie, would that count? What if there were futuristic robots similar to mechagodzilla (but more humanoid, and much smaller) and stuff, but no big monsters?

Sooploosh MacSchnibble (talkcontribs)

Help I made a mistake one the Godzilla minus one gallery where I accidentally deleted the chomping image from the screenshots. Can someone fix it? I dont want to make things worse by trying to fix it. Im very very sorry

Ultraman rides a dragon cuz yes (talkcontribs)

On it

Sooploosh MacSchnibble (talkcontribs)

Thank you so much!! C:

Ultraman rides a dragon cuz yes (talkcontribs)

uhhhh, it is not letting me undo the edit.

Sooploosh MacSchnibble (talkcontribs)

dont undo it, just add the chomping image back. The one where Godzilla is biting the train

Ultraman rides a dragon cuz yes (talkcontribs)

oh ok. got it.

Sooploosh MacSchnibble (talkcontribs)

is it ok if I make a page for Gojira, the mythical creature of Odo Island the Big G is named after in the original movie?

Astounding Beyond Belief (talkcontribs)

I don't know what you'd really put there; it's left ambiguous whether the Godzilla of Odo Island folklore is a pre-mutation Godzilla, another creature, or just a legend.

Sooploosh MacSchnibble (talkcontribs)

oh ok

Zillaman98 (talkcontribs)

I see you like MH?

I know you probably dont care for the movie but you know we actually cover the film here?

Asking because we still dont got pages up for the wyverns of the movie.

And was wondering if you would be intrested in looking into the sandboxes.

Sooploosh MacSchnibble (talkcontribs)

Yes, I would, and you're right about the not caring for the movie, but I was still hoping to do the Greater Rathalos page.

Zillaman98 (talkcontribs)
Zillaman98 (talkcontribs)

No sources indicates that the Greater Rathalos has venom we cannot add pure speculation onto pages.

We got the theather program is around but i dont think it mentions that.

Sooploosh MacSchnibble (talkcontribs)

Well, he is a Rathalos.

Zillaman98 (talkcontribs)


That doesnt matter if nothing in the movie displays or indicates such or if no supplementary materials mention anything then it cannot be added because it is baseless speculation.

Sooploosh MacSchnibble (talkcontribs)

Okay. It might actually make sense that due to the Greater Rathalos's size, he lost his venom, as he didn't need it anymore.

Sooploosh MacSchnibble (talkcontribs)

Since Gore Magala appeared at the end of the film (he is my 3rd favorite Monster), should we make an article for him?

Zillaman98 (talkcontribs)

No he is only featured on the minor toho monsters list due to how short his screentime is.

Sooploosh MacSchnibble (talkcontribs)

He was only there for a few seconds.

Keeri'ijra (talkcontribs)

While I would still say to not keep the venom, I think it is worth mentioning in Trivia that Monster Hunter World's quest featuring the Greater Rathalos did retain the ability to give the ailment.

Zillaman98 (talkcontribs)

Last time i checked apparantly we might cover the game specifically only the artemis themed quest

So im not sure if we are counting feats from the event though.

Zillaman98 (talkcontribs)

This also raises a question if monsters you can encounter while roaming on the map durring the quest should be counted under appearances too.

Keeri'ijra (talkcontribs)

I don't think so, because those are not "intentional", if you will. Only the things that are guaranteed to appear should be listed for the two quests.

Zillaman98 (talkcontribs)

Normally we count stuff that can be encountered in games as an Appearance.

Keeri'ijra (talkcontribs)

Just linking it to the Mh wiki would probably be fine then.

Zillaman98 (talkcontribs)

but then again i just recalled we don't list everything from SRW omega on the appearance section of that page

but we do list some stuff from it on the list of Godzilla monsters list

(though technically it should be filled out with the entirety of everyone which would be a daunting task since a character or mech counts on the fact that godzilla is in the game alone means they all technically count retroactively even if they weren't apart of the godzilla event or are onscreen with him.)

Zillaman98 (talkcontribs)

Edit ignore

Zillaman98 (talkcontribs)

also where exactly did you get the information about the rathalos name anyway

Sooploosh MacSchnibble (talkcontribs)
Zillaman98 (talkcontribs)

they didn't provide an exact source on what exactly these "documents" are and where they even got it from we cannot cite another random wiki user

because they failed to provide the exact source.

Sooploosh MacSchnibble (talkcontribs)


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