hi, please leave Duck Cult. the whole reason why i know you are in this group is because, in a DM i was, somebody was spying on that server, and they sent a screenshot of some of your messages from there. honestly, i'm dissapointed as hell. why? because Duck Cult is affiliated with a server called "Warsaw" owned by somebody named "Fune 360" who you probably know. (also, Duck Cult has leaked the database of a government of a country before, IIRC, it was USA)
Warsaw is full of edgelords who love bigoted memes and gore, straight up harrasses people and spreads lies about them, and they have been targeting one of my friends for about a year now. they have made up all sorts of lies about him and constantly harrassed him, doxxing him, even going after his family too. they claimed to stop a few months ago but they're doing it again now. they also have not just harrassed me and his other friends too (especially one named "halaget" which is his old username), but Warsaw is even fucking harrassing me.
in February, i cut ties with some toxic user who's done horrible things on the inetrnet, because he kept on using my old username (if you saw anybody ever mention "JEVILOGEN" in that server, then that is me, and JEVILOGEN is my old username and i hate people calling me that) behind my back. so what did he do? reupload a complation video of me in VCs during an already resolved conflict, raging and at one point having a legit mental breakdown, constantly start calling me by my old username and join Warsaw himself. in early March, i even became an actual target for harrassment from Warsaw too. just today i saw one of those Warsaw members just go after me again on YouTube and this time i've had enough, that's the last straw.
so please leave Duck Cult and any of its edgy "haxxing" groups affiliated with it like PWNSEC, they're not even good places to be in, they'll just teach you to spread lies and harrass people, and i don't want people from the Godzilla community being turned into people like that. sorry if this post was mainly just about Warsaw, but i don't want people in the Godzilla community to be even affiliated with any of Warsaw's allies due to the shit that they've done, i'm sorry if i'm trying to bring in drama which i'm not, i just want to feel safer, that's all