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Edit request on 7 January 12017

External link

  • Godzilla -- God's Godzilla 02:53, 8 January 2017 (UTC)
What does this mean? Titanollante ( roar to me! | my footprints! ) 14:42, 9 January 2017 (UTC)
I don't understand why they have a Godzilla article? -- God's Godzilla 03:07, 3 January 2018 (UTC)
That has absolutely nothing to do with this site, so there's no reason to post it on our Godzilla talk page. The King of the Monsters (talk) 05:59, 3 January 2018 (UTC)

Where's Godzilla Filius?

Why isn't Godzilla Filius located in the Affiliation infobox? -- God's Godzilla 05:04, 22 December 2017 (UTC)

Hana Barbera Godzilla and Marvel Godzilla

Shouldn’t there be an incarnation page for the Marvel Godzilla? For the Hana Barbera there’s probably too little information.

Yes. Both of them are under construction, but need more information to warrant promotions to full pages. [Hanna-Barbera and Marvel] -- Les (main | talk) 13:11, 16 February 2019 (UTC)

What Happened

What happened to the page?—VaderRaptor (talk) 20:14, 3 June 2019 (UTC)

I don't know what you're talking about, the page is fine. The King of the Monsters (talk) 20:25, 3 June 2019 (UTC)
It was messed up for me but now it’s fine.VaderRaptor (talk) 20:55, 3 June 2019 (UTC)

The comments

No comments are showing up.--Delibirda (talk) 16:14, 18 March 2020 (UTC)

Migrating Cultural Impact

Perhaps instead of lumping information into Godzilla's cultural impact, we could move them to the Godzilla in popular culture page. -- User:Cohozilla (talk 00:52, 22 December 2023 (UTC)

I'm actually talking with Titanollante and Les about that very thing now. The idea is to have a page for real things/people named after Godzilla and other kaiju; we're just working on the particulars.--Astounding Beyond Belief (talk) 01:02, 23 December 2023 (UTC)
I agree with having stuff named after kaiju be it's own page.

Fire-breathing identification

"This power is commonly mistaken for breathing literal fire, which Godzilla only does in the Marvel comics, Hanna-Barbera Godzilla cartoon, and other non-film media such as the Get Going! Godzilland OVAs." i am 99% sure that in Godzilland, he actually calls this fire breathing his "atomic breath". it may look like fire but he actually calls it that, so it technically might not be literal fire. too lazy to get the timestamp as of rn but this happens in the Addition OVA. --BaragonwaSaikoda (talk) 20:04, 9 March 2024 (UTC)

That's correct, in the fansubs he says that at 4:38 in the first part. In Japanese he's saying "radioactive flame" (放射火炎,   hōsha kaen), but they're synonymous. Actually, he doesn't breathe fire in the Marvel comics either (it's called "radioactive breath" in issue #5), so that passage needs serious revising.--Astounding Beyond Belief (talk) 12:20, 11 March 2024 (UTC)

Godzilla incarnation portals

When we add incarnation pages for Godzillas that don't appear in audiovisual media (e.g. Marvel Godzilla, Dark Horse Godzilla and the various IDW Godzillas), should we have another set of portals for these incarnations below the main incarnations (the audiovisual ones) but still above the table of contents? The reason I ask this is because I think it could be difficult to differentiate between the film/TV incarnations and the incarnations who only appear in non-audiovisual media if they are all in one big group. Sorry if I've explained this badly. --Titanozilla2023 (talk) 11:59, 12 August 2024 (UTC)

I get what you're saying, and that seems wise.--Astounding Beyond Belief (talk) 21:47, 12 August 2024 (UTC)