IDW Publishing

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Idea and Design Works, LLC, also known as IDW Comics or simply IDW, is an American comic book publisher. IDW began publishing Godzilla comics in 2011, with the most recent series concluding in 2016. IDW has not announced any new comics utilizing the Godzilla license since 2016, however it has signed a new licensing deal with Toho and republished Godzilla: Kingdom of Monsters as a complete volume followed by Godzilla: Complete Rulers of Earth Vol. 2 in summer of 2019.[1] It will republish Godzilla: The Half-Century War in August and Godzilla: History's Greatest Monster in December 2020.

Three of IDW's Godzilla comic series, Godzilla: Rulers of Earth, Godzilla: Rage Across Time, and Godzilla: Legends, have been translated and published in Japan by PHASE6, marking the first-ever instance of American Godzilla comic series being released in Japan.


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This is a list of references for IDW Publishing. These citations are used to identify the reliable sources on which this article is based. These references appear inside articles in the form of superscript numbers, which look like this: [1]

  1. Aiken, Keith (5 April 2019). "Godzilla Returns to IDW This Summer". SciFi Japan.


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