User:The Boy Who Cried Godzilla/Sandbox/Denham 2005

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Denham took a whaler to the shore along with Jack Driscoll, Ann Darrow, and Ben Hayes, but it capsized and cost one crewman his life. The four survivors traversed ancient ruins to find higher ground and signal Captain Englehorn. They paired off in groups of two, but Carl eventually lost Hayes as they came toward the island's gigantic wall. Carl watched as Ann was taken by a gigantic ape. When the coast was clear, he untied Jack, and they started heading into the jungle, but natives spotted them and threw flaming torches at the two men. They stop to rest a short way into the jungle to allow Carl to change his film. As they continue through the jungle, Carl was grabbed by a giant bat-like creature that he called a "winged mutant", and was taken away to its nest. All the while, Carl kept filming, earning him some wonderful aerial shots. Jack finally brought his captor down, and Carl made sure to get a close-up of the body.

Throughout their journey, he was continually annoyed that Jack killed the vicious fauna before he had a chance to film them.


Delos W. Lovelace's novelization of the King Kong screenplay claims that two years prior to the events of the film, the skipper met his old friend Carl Denham in Singapore, where he told Carl the story of his map, knowing he would be interested in it. X years beforehand, the skipper had rescued a canoe full of half-dead islanders in the sea. Only one was left alive, and he perished before they reached port. Before succumbing, the man described to the skipper their home and its location, from which he created a map, and some cultural notes, including their fear of Kong, a monster living beyond their village wall.


Ann Darrow was a midwestern farm girl turned starving actress who is either implied to be, or outright stated to be an orphan. In the film and novelization of its screenplay, she mentions having an estranged uncle, who, in Judith Conway's licensed 1983 adaptation is purported to have swindled her out of her inheritance from her wealthy parents deaths.[1] After fleeing to New York to become an actress ((SAUCE)), she landed roles as an extra in a few pictures at the ((STUDIO NAME)) lot, and even got a single speaking part before it shut down.


Little information about Driscoll's early life is given in most adaptations of the story, but Judith Conway's 1983 adaptation which was published with authorization from the Merian C. Cooper estate, claims that he ran away from college to pursue a life of adventure at sea, a decision his mother eventually forgave him for making.


Despite his shrewd and straightforward approach to life, Denham still has the passions and eye of an artist, and takes his craft very seriously. As such he gained a reputation as the "craziest man in Hollywood" for his daring and dangerous shoots. One such shot cost him a cameraman, who fled a charging rhinoceros, despite Denham's standing by with a rifle ready to down the beast if it git too close. After this, Denham elected to act as his own cameraman.

While some interpretations depict Denham as well-meaning and in some ways heroic, many opt to emphasize his greed and associated carelessness with human and animal life as a character flaw.


Denham hired Captain Englehorn and his ship the Venture to take him and his actress Ann Darrow to shoot a picture on an unknown island in the South Pacific, which he had learned of years prior from a Norwegian skipper. The boat approached the island in a dense fog before they stopped at the sound of breaker waves and drums. Denham was eager to get filming, despite the angry, warning tone of the music. The captain soon found a channel in, and within minutes the boats were loaded and ready to go ashore. Denham warned the second mate Briggs about the trichloride bombs he was carrying before embarking for the island.


Englehorn was the captain of the Venture, a boat hired by eccentric film director Carl Denham to take him and his actress Ann Darrow to an unknown island in the South Pacific. As they approached Denham's legendary island, the ship entered a dense fog that caused the sailors to wonder why they did not lay anchor and wait for it to clear. They all knew that Denham was the reason, and the two men stood in the prow listening for the breaker waves that would notify the captain of the reef surrounding the island.


King Kong (1983)

Jack was the handsome, muscular first mate aboard the Wanderer, and he quickly caught the eye of Ann Darrow, an actress being ferried along by movie maker Carl Denham. One day during the wintertime voyage, he blew the work whistle, calling the sailors to the deck. While motioning to a sailor where to bring a rope, Jack gestured behind him and accidentally struck Darrow on the jaw. jack immediately apologized and tried to help her, but she insisted she was fine. It was at this time that Darrow caught Jack's eye as well.

83 Lump

King Kong (1983)

Lumpy was an old sailor aboard the Wanderer, and was getting some sun on deck with his monkey Ignatz when Ann Darrow came out of her cabin to say hello. Lumpy introduced himself and Ignatz, and she stretched herself out alongside Lumpy to join him. Just then, First Mate Jack Driscoll blew a whistle, calling all the sailors, including Lumpy to attention.

83 Ann

King Kong (1983)

Ann Darrow had no money, and no job, which was a common enough experience during the Great Depression. One winter night she was hungry enough that she made to steal an apple from a street vendor, but was caught before she could grab the fruit. A nearby patron paid her way out of the man's grasp, and took her to dinner where she ate at least six plates of food before the stranger introduced himself. He was Carl Denham, famous for shooting movies in jungles and other such places. He asked her if she had any acting experience. She had been an extra before, and even gotten a real part once. That was all he needed to hear. He proclaimed that she was going to star in his next picture and before she could react, swept her away to get some new clothes.


King Kong (1983)

Denham wanted to make the greatest movie ever, and to do this he had to get out of New York City before the insurance company came to his chartered ship to ask about all the munitions and gas bombs aboard. The only problem was that he did not have a young woman to star in his picture, and so he spent a snowy night searching the city for the perfect face for his movie. He stopped at a food counter for a coffee, and watched as the shopkeeper grabbed the hand of a woman that he accused of stealing one of his apples. He defended the woman, and gave the shopkeeper a dollar to forget about the incident. He then saw her face and was enamored with the fact that she was absolutely perfect for his movie. He took her to dinner, and asked a bit about her. Learning that she had some acting experience he promptly recruited her to his film.

83 CAP



Ann Darrow
The Boy Who Cried Godzilla/Sandbox/Denham 2005
Species Human
Nationality American
Occupation Actress
Related to Jack Driscoll (love interest)
First appearance Latest appearance
The Mighty Kong The Mighty Kong
Played by Jodi Benson

Ann Darrow is an actress and one of the main characters in the 1998 animated musical The Mighty Kong. She is voiced by Jodi Benson.


The Mighty Kong

Ann worked as an extra in films before falling on hard times and attempting to steal an apple. She was caught in the act but saved by C.B. Denham, who talked her into signing on as his lead actress in a film, which ann agreed to with the hopes of becoming a movie star. She made her way to the Java Queen, C.B.'s ship, where she met the cabin boy Ricky and his monkey Chips. They go onto the ship, where they are nearly crushed by falling cargo, which makes the first mate Jack Driscoll scream at them to go below decks. Ann then begins to doubt her plight for fame, but Ricky reminds her that she has nothing to lose by trying. Ricky later fell ill, and Ann took over his duties and delivered dinner to the Captain. Denham and Driscoll were dining with him, and did not recognize Darrow under her rain gear, and Driscoll repeatedly insulted her for being a woman and a jinx. She then dumped clam chowder on his head. After six weeks at sea, they arrived at Skull Island, where C.B. upset the natives, and they were chased back to the ship, where she and Driscoll decided they were in love. She was then kidnapped by natives, and she was taken up to a volcano, where she was taken by Kong. Kong took her to his volcano lair, where he doused her in a waterfall and threw her in a pond before drying her off with his breath. They were then attacked by dinosaurs and a snake, so Kong put her down, and Driscoll took her back to the shore, where Kong was incapacitated with gas bombs and taken back to New York, where Ann starred in a show with him. Ann felt pity for the captive ape, but he escaped upon perceiving Ann was in danger. Ann hid, but watched as he fell from the Empire State Building after a failed attempt to capture Kong alive, but he survived.



Carl Denham
The Boy Who Cried Godzilla/Sandbox/Denham 2005
Species Human
Nationality American
Occupation Film producer/director (formerly)
Related to Unnamed wife,
Vincent Denham (son)
First appearance Latest appearance
Kong: King of Skull Island King Kong of Skull Island

Carl Denham is a fictional film producer and director who debuted in the 2005 illustrated novel Kong: King of Skull Island. This book serves as both a sequel and prequel to the original King Kong story as conceived by Merian C. Cooper, and is authorized by his estate. That same year, a rewrite of the public domain novelization from 1932, titled Merian C. Cooper's King Kong was published using the estate's rights to the intellectual property, and established a baseline for the differences between the world of RKO's 1933 film, and for the estate-authorized King Kong of Skull Island intellectual property, and the various projects set within it.


Kong: King of Skull Island

Feeling remorseful for Kong's death, Denham disappeared after the incident and left his wife and son Vincent Denham behind in New York City in an alleged attempt to take Kong's body back to Skull Island.

Merian C. Cooper's King Kong

Doc Savage: Skull Island

After Kong’s drop from the Empire State Building, Denham used the last of his money to help Ann Darrow and Jack Driscoll elope before ducking the enraged public and taking to heavy drinking. He was soon tracked down by MONKE MAN and taken to Doc Savage’s office for questioning.

Video games




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Joe DeVito's Kong of Skull Island


Vincent Denham
The Boy Who Cried Godzilla/Sandbox/Denham 2005
Species Human
Nationality American
Occupation Paleontologist
Related to Carl Denham (father)
First appearance Latest appearance
Kong: King of Skull Island King Kong of Skull Island

Vincent Denham is a paleontologist


Kong: King of Skull Island

Feeling remorseful for Kong's death, Denham disappeared after the incident and left his wife and son Vincent Denham behind in New York City in an alleged attempt to take Kong's body back to Skull Island.

Video games




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Joe DeVito's Kong of Skull Island


Carl Denham
Denham in the Broadway production, played by Eric William Morris
Denham in the Melbourne production, played by Adam Lyon
Species Human
Nationality American
Occupation Film producer/director
First appearance King Kong (2013)
Played by Adam Lyon (Melbourne)
Eric William Morris (Broadway)

Carl Denham is a guy who commits existence and captures a monke


King Kong (2013)

King Kong: Alive on Broadway



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Ann Darrow
Darrow in the Broadway production, played by Eric William Morris
Darrow in the Melbourne production, played by Adam Lyon
Species Human
Nationality American
Occupation Aspiring actress
First appearance King Kong (2013)
Played by Esther Hannaford (Melbourne)
Christianni Pitts (Broadway)

Ann Darrow is a lady


King Kong (2013)

King Kong: Alive on Broadway

Ann was a midwestern farm girl who came to New York City with hopes of becoming a stage actress. However, she was refused at most if not all auditions. Winter came, and she remained impoverished, living with all of her belongings in a suitcase. She made a habit of sleeping in restaurants, which angered the owners. One night, when a proprietor attempted to solicit her in exchange for a rest, she was



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  1. Conway, Judith (1983). King Kong (Step Up novelization). Random House. p. 21. ISBN 0394856171.