yokaipedia (2022) soundtrack

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yokaipedia (Original Soundtrack)
Composed by Naoki Sato
Released July 20, 2022
# of tracks 28

yokaipedia (Original Soundtrack) (GHOSTBOOK (ゴーストブック) おばけずかん (Original Soundtrack),   Gōsutobukku: Obake Zukan (Orijinaru Saundotorakku), lit. GHOSTBOOK: Ghost Book (Original Soundtrack)) is the soundtrack to Takashi Yamazaki's 2022 film yokaipedia. It was composed by Naoki Sato and released on CD by Rambling RECORDS on July 20, 2022. It is also available to stream through several platforms.


  1. "Wish" 願い事
  2. "The Ghost Book" おばけずかん
  3. "Little White Ghost" 小さな白いおばけ
  4. "Used Bookstore" 古本屋
  5. "The Mysterious Book" 謎の図鑑
  6. "Crossroads" 分かれ道
  7. "Ghost Town" 誰もいない街
  8. "A Fake?" フェイク?
  9. "Another World" 異世界
  10. "Running Rampant" 跳梁跋扈
  11. "Zukanbo" 図鑑坊
  12. "In Search of Yamabiko" 山彦を探しに
  13. "Ittan Momen" 一反木綿
  14. "Hyakume" 百目
  15. "Onion Bullets" 玉葱弾
  16. "Tabisuru Unte" 旅する雲梯
  17. "Savior" 救世主
  18. "Jizuri" ジズリ
  19. "Matching T-Shirts" お揃いのTシャツ
  20. "Off to the Other Shore" いざ対岸へ
  21. "Jizuri's Castle" ジズリの城
  22. "Showdown Time" 対決の時
  23. "Farewell" お別れ
  24. "It's Not Useless!" 役立たずじゃない!
  25. "Our Memories" 僕たちの思い出
  26. "Confession" 告白
  27. "Illusion" 幻影
  28. "Journey in Search of a Wish" 願い事探しの旅

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