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The symbol of the Houtua in GODZILLA: City on the Edge of Battle
Homeworld Earth
Allies Humans
First appearance Latest appearance
GODZILLA: Planet of the Monsters GODZILLA: City on the Edge of Battle

The Houtua (フツア,   Futsua) are a humanoid race that first appeared in the 2017 Godzilla film, GODZILLA: Planet of the Monsters. They inhabit Earth 20,000 years into the future, where its entire ecosystem is dominated by Godzilla Earth. It is possible that they are descended from the humans that were left behind on Earth in 2048 when 15,000 humans fled the planet aboard the Oratio and Aratrum.[1]


The only members of the Houtua revealed so far, Miana and Maina, resemble normal human females, although their hair is a light blue color, and styled like antennae or leaves in the front. They also wear tribal clothing and have paint or tribal tattoos over a large portion of their bodies.


Post-Millennium Series

GODZILLA: Planet of the Monsters

Miana, a member of the Houtua, rescued Haruo Sakaki and brought him to her hut after the United Earth forces were demolished by Godzilla Earth.

GODZILLA: City on the Edge of Battle

To be added.



GODZILLA: City on the Edge of Battle


GODZILLA: Planet of the Monsters

GODZILLA: City on the Edge of Battle


This is a list of references for Houtua. These citations are used to identify the reliable sources on which this article is based. These references appear inside articles in the form of superscript numbers, which look like this: [1]

Era Icon - Toho.png
Era Icon - Post-Millennium New Version.png