"Run On, Godzilla Brothers!"

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Godziban episodes
"Secret Move: Dropkick!" / "Office Lady Yuko's Depression"
"Run On, Godzilla Brothers!"
"A Godziban Tale: The Tortoise and the Hare" /
"A World First! Robot Press Conference" / "Woeful Warriors"
"Run On, Godzilla Brothers!"
Title card for "Run On, Godzilla Brothers!"
Series Godziban (Go! Go! Godzilla-kun)
Episode # 7
Directed by Hideyuki Kobayashi
Written by Hideyuki Kobayashi
Air date September 20, 2019

"Run On, Godzilla Brothers!" ( () ()けろ!三兄弟 (さんきょうだい) (まき),   Kakenukero Sankyōdai no Maki, lit. "Volume of: Run Past! Three Brothers") is the seventh overall episode of Godziban as well as the fifth episode of its Go! Go! Godzilla-kun segment. Toho's Godzilla Channel uploaded it to YouTube on September 20, 2019, with an English-subtitled version on the GODZILLA OFFICIAL by TOHO channel following on October 1, 2021.


Godzilla-kun organizes a series of foot races to help train Minilla and Little. Little is enthused, while Minilla doubts his abilities. Godzilla-kun pits himself against Anguirus, Little against Baragon, and Minilla against Moshu-Moshu. Anguirus and Godzilla-kun converse silently with speech bubbles, with the ankylosaur explaining that they can do so because they're best friends. Moshu-Moshu gets carried away, knocking over Minilla, rocketing past all of the other kaiju, and returning to the starting line before he can get back up. Godzilla-kun and Anguirus return next, followed by Baragon carrying Little on his back. Minilla is unaware that the race even started, causing the other monsters to faceplant. Next all six race to a yellow flag and back. Minilla rides Moshu-Moshu and they win with ease, leaving the others stunned.

The episode concludes with a Grandpa Hedo segment:

Young Hedo:Hey, Grandpa Hedo. Why do you answer every question I ask?
Grandpa Hedo:Well... By answering your questions... perhaps I am learning about myself.
Young Hedo:Okie Hedokie! We learn, hedo.


Actor's name on the left, character played on the right.




Full episode
Full episode (subtitled)


  • The foot race theme of this episode was suggested by viewer morumo0810.


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