"A Stubborn Father's Longest Day"

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Godziban episodes
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"A Stubborn Father's Longest Day"
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"A Stubborn Father's Longest Day"
Title card for "A Stubborn Father's Longest Day"
Series Godziban (Attention! Godzilla)
Episode # 16 (overall), 5 (Attention! Godzilla)
Directed by Hideyuki Kobayashi
Written by Hideyuki Kobayashi
Air date November 22, 2019

"A Stubborn Father's Longest Day" (頑固 (がんこ)おやじの一番 (いちばん) (なが) (),   Ganko Oyaji no Ichiban Nagai Hi) is the sixteenth overall episode of Godziban and the fifth episode of its Attention! Godzilla segment. Toho's Godzilla Channel uploaded it to YouTube on November 22, 2019, with an English-subtitled version on the GODZILLA OFFICIAL by TOHO channel following on December 3, 2021.


Miyoko Kuroiwa and her fiancee Kenji Mizubata ask her obstinate father, Tetsugoro, to approve their marriage. Internally, Tetsugoro finds fault with Kenji's every action and struggles to look him in the eye, imagining him as having the head of Kamachi. As Tetsugoro flies into a rage upon Kenji calling him "father" and nearly hits him, he realizes he is just a normal man and gives his blessing. At the wedding, however, Kenji's head suddenly reverts to Kamachi.

The episode concludes with a Grandpa Hedo segment:

Young Hedo:Hey, Grandpa Hedo. Why do people make a wish on a shooting star?
Grandpa Hedo:Well... Even if the wish comes true, it may be fleeting like the star. Perhaps it is to convince themselves of that.
Young Hedo:Okie hedokie!


Actor's name on the left, character played on the right.

  • Holly Kaneko   as   Tetsugoro Kuroiwa, lantern painter and widower
  • Natsumi Tezuka   as   Miyoko Kuroiwa, Tetsugoro's daughter
  • Kota Iijima   as   Kenji Mizubata, bridegroom
  • Fumihiko Nemoto   as   Kenji's father
  • Junko Kubota   as   Kenji's mother
  • Megumi Kawano   as   MC of wedding (voice)




Full episode
Full episode (subtitled)


  • This episode's Grandpa Hedo segment was suggested by the user Hodora Kai.


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