"Secret Training Dojo"

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Godziban episodes
"The Sad Ballerina"
"Secret Training Dojo"
"Secret Move: Dropkick!" / "Office Lady Yuko's Depression"
"Secret Training Dojo"
Title card for "Secret Training Dojo"
Series Godziban (Go! Go! Godzilla-kun)
Episode # 5
Directed by Hideyuki Kobayashi
Written by Hideyuki Kobayashi
Air date September 6, 2019

"Secret Training Dojo" (ひみつの特訓 (とっくん)道場 (どうじょう) (まき),   Himitsu no Tokkun Dōjō no Maki) is the fifth overall episode of Godziban as well as the third episode of its Go! Go! Godzilla-kun segment. Toho's Godzilla Channel uploaded it to YouTube on September 6, 2019, with an English-subtitled version on the GODZILLA OFFICIAL by TOHO channel following on September 16, 2021.


Godzilla-kun announces to Minilla and Little that they will be traveling to a secret training dojo deep in the Dongara mountains, where their family has trained for generations. Shortly after they department, they encounter Anguirus, who communicates with Godzilla-kun via speech bubbles. He asks him where they're going, but Godzilla-kun refuses to reveal the secret. At the dojo, Godzilla-kun challenges Minilla and Minilla to grab a banana at the top of a mountainous half-pipe. After he successfully demonstrates, Little almost follows suit, only to slide back down, and the others pull him back up with a rope. Minilla is even less successful, stumbling off the precipice and bouncing around. Moshu-Moshu arrives and easily delivers the rest of the bananas by rolling up and down the half-pipe, then continues rolling just for fun. The Godzilla Brothers and Anguirus enjoy their meal.

The episode concludes with a Grandpa Hedo segment:

Young Hedo:Hey, Grandpa Hedo. Why do people say monster movies are for kids?
Grandpa Hedo:Well... Because they are filled with things... you become unable to see when you grow up.
Young Hedo:Okie Hedokie! I'll watchedo 'em!


Actor's name on the left, character played on the right.




Full episode
Full episode (subtitled)



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