"Secret Move: Dropkick!" / "Office Lady Yuko's Depression"

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Godziban episodes
"Secret Training Dojo"
"Secret Move: Dropkick!" / "Office Lady Yuko's Depression"
"Run On, Godzilla Brothers!"
"Secret Move: Dropkick!" /
"Office Lady Yuko's Depression"
Title card for "Secret Move: Dropkick!"
Title card for "Office Lady Yuko's Depression"
Series Godziban (Go! Go! Godzilla-kun, Attention! Godzilla)
Episode # 6 (overall), 4 (Go! Go! Godzilla-kun),
3 (Attention! Godzilla)
Directed by Hideyuki Kobayashi
Written by Hideyuki Kobayashi
Air date September 13, 2019

"Secret Move: Dropkick!" (秘伝 (ひでん)!ドロップキックの (まき),   Hiden Doroppukikku no Maki, lit. "Volume of: Secret! Dropkick") and "Office Lady Yuko's Depression" (OL (おーえる)夕子 (ゆうこ)憂鬱 (ゆううつ),   Ō Eru Yūko no Yūutsu) comprise the sixth overall episode of Godziban. They are the fourth and third episodes of the Go! Go! Godzilla-kun and Attention! Godzilla segments, respectively. Toho's Godzilla Channel uploaded it to YouTube on September 13, 2019, with an English-subtitled version on the GODZILLA OFFICIAL by TOHO channel following on September 24, 2021.


"Secret Move: Dropkick!"

At the secret training dojo, Godzilla-kun seeks to teach Minilla and Little yet another skill: the ancient "Godzilla kick." He gives the pair a demonstration of the technique, repeatedly sliding along his tail and kicking a boulder down a curved rock formation, to the amazement of his brothers. Little is the first to attempt the move, successfully performing the slide but bouncing off of the boulder upon impact. Minilla then tries, but does a flip midair and crashes into the boulder headfirst. He tries again, this time performing a proper slide, but crashes into the boulder and lands on top of it. The boulder begins to wobble, and suddenly tips all the way over, sending Minilla rolling up and down the half-pipe. When the boulder again reaches its apex, Little attempts to grab hold of it but is sent rolling along with it. Godzilla-kun tries next, to much the same result. Moshu-Moshu then appears atop the mountain and jumps down to begin rolling along with them. A puzzled Anguirus, holding up a question mark sign, looks on from afar.

Grandpa Hedo segment #1
Young Hedo:Hey, Grandpa Hedo. How come we have both Go! Go! Godzilla and Attention! Godzilla in this episode?
Grandpa Hedo:Well... Whether you choose a big bowl of ramen... or a combo with mini-ramen and mini-fried rice... deciding will give you indigestion.
Young Hedo:Okie Hedokie! Hedo you later!
"Office Lady Yuko's Depression"

After a long day's work at the office, Yuko returns home and flops onto her bed. Dejectedly, she stares at the ceiling as her pet Kamachi squirms in his enclosure. She has a flashback to earlier in the day when she was scolded by her boss, and turns over in her bed as Kamachi continues to press against the glass, begging for attention. She eventually gets up to pull him from his enclosure and cuddle him, cheering her up.

Grandpa Hedo segment #2
Young Hedo:Hey, Grandpa Hedo. Why do we keep walking this empty path?
Grandpa Hedo:Look closely... Right in front of your eyes... lies an infinite wilderness... and infinite potential.
Young Hedo:Okie Hedokie! I'll go, hedo.




Full episode
Full episode (subtitled)


  • The "Godzilla kick" performed by the monsters in Go! Go! Godzilla-kun is a reference to Godzilla vs. Megalon, where Godzilla performs an identical move. The topic was a fan request from YouTube user Yoshio-kun.


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