Latitude Zero (1969) credits

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Latitude Zero
Image gallery for Latitude Zero
Latitude Zero soundtrack

The following is a transcript of the opening credits from the international export version of Latitude Zero. Spelling errors and casing have been partially preserved.

Joseph Cotten
Cesar Romero in

A Toho Production


Akira Takarada
as Dr. Ken Tashiro
Masumi Okada
as Dr. Jules Masson
Richard Jaeckel


Patricia Medina


Mari Nakayama
as 'tsuruko'
Akihiko Hirata
Tetsu Nakamura
Kin Ohmae
Hikaru Kuroki

and introducing

Linda Haynes
as Dr. Anne Barton

story and screenplay by

Ted Sherdeman
based on his stories of "Latitude Zero"

Screenplay Adviser

Shinichi Sekizawa

Photographed by

Taiichi Kankura
in Eastmancolor

Set Decoration by

Takeo Kita

Recording by

Masao Fujiyoshi

Lighting by

Kiichi Onda

Music by

Akira Ifukube

Assistant Director

Seiji Tani

Edited by

Ume Takeda

Sound Effects by

Sadamasa Nishimoto

Mixing by

Hisashi Shimonaga

Costumes by

Kiichi Ichida
Linda Glazman

Processing by

Tokyo Laboratories,Inc.

Production Manager

Yasuaki Sakamoto

© Copyright by Toho Co., Ltd. March 30, 1969. All rights reserved.

Creative Adviser

Warren Lewis

Produced by

Tomoyuki Tanaka

Director of Special Effects

Eiji Tsuburaya

Directed by

Ishiro Honda


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