Yokai Monsters: Along with Ghosts (1969) credits
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The following is a translated transcript of the Japanese opening credits of Yokai Monsters: Along with Ghosts.
Planning by
- Yamato Yashiro
Screenplay by
- Tetsuro Yoshida
- Shozaburo Asai
Photographed by
- Hiroshi Imai
Sound recording by
- Yukio Kaihara
Lighting technician
- Toshiji Kurokawa
Art director
- Yoshinobu Nishioka
Composed by
- Toshio Taniguchi
Fight choreographer
- Eiichi Kusumoto
Sound effects by
- Yo Kurashima
Assistant director
- Mitsuaki Tsuji
Production manager
- Hiroshi Ozawa
Processing by
- Far East Laboratory
- Kojiro Hongo
- Pepe Hozumi
- Masami Burukido
- Rokko Toura
- Bokuzen Hidari
- Ryutaro Gomi
- Takeshi Date
- Koichi Uenoyama
- Yoshindo Yamaji
- Yosuke Shimada
- Kitayo Ima
- Koichi Mizuhara
- Kazue Tamaki
- Sumao Ishihara
- Ichiro Yamamoto
- Noboru Taki
- Shinjiro Akatsuki
- Yutaro Ban
- Niichiro Ando
- Tamotsu Fujiharu
- Natsuko Oka
- Kimiko Ishii
- Satoko Yamamura
- Haruyoshi Takeuchi
- Katsuyoshi Baba
Directed by
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