Yokai Monsters: Along with Ghosts (1969) credits

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Yokai Monsters: Along with Ghosts
Image gallery for Yokai Monsters: Along with Ghosts

The following is a translated transcript of the Japanese opening credits of Yokai Monsters: Along with Ghosts.

Planning by

Yamato Yashiro

Screenplay by

Tetsuro Yoshida
Shozaburo Asai

Photographed by

Hiroshi Imai

Sound recording by

Yukio Kaihara

Lighting technician

Toshiji Kurokawa

Art director

Yoshinobu Nishioka

Composed by

Chumei Watanabe


Toshio Taniguchi

Fight choreographer

Eiichi Kusumoto

Sound effects by

Yo Kurashima

Assistant director

Mitsuaki Tsuji

Production manager

Hiroshi Ozawa

Processing by

Far East Laboratory


Kojiro Hongo
Pepe Hozumi
Masami Burukido
Rokko Toura
Bokuzen Hidari
Ryutaro Gomi
Takeshi Date
Koichi Uenoyama
Yoshindo Yamaji
Yosuke Shimada
Kitayo Ima
Koichi Mizuhara
Kazue Tamaki
Sumao Ishihara
Ichiro Yamamoto
Noboru Taki
Shinjiro Akatsuki
Yutaro Ban
Niichiro Ando
Tamotsu Fujiharu
Natsuko Oka
Kimiko Ishii
Satoko Yamamura
Haruyoshi Takeuchi
Katsuyoshi Baba

Directed by

Kimiyoshi Yasuda
Yoshiyuki Kuroda


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