Gamera vs. Guiron Credits
Gamera Films | |||||||
The following are transcripts of the translated Japanese credits of Gamera vs. Guiron and its two American versions, AITV's Attack of the Monsters and King Features Entertainment's Gamera vs. Guiron. The Japanese Gamera vs. Guiron transcript is taken from the film's Mill Creek DVD, and is incomplete.
Gamera vs. Guiron (Daiei)
Produced by
Screenplay by
Photography by
- Akira Kitazaki
Special Effects Photography
- Kazufumi Fuji
Music by
Film Editor
- Zenko Miyazaki
- Nobuhiro Kashima
- Christopher Murphy
- Miyuki Akiyama
- Eiji Funakoshi
- Kon Omura
- Yuko Hamada
- Edith Hansen
- Reiko Kasahara
- Hiroko Kai
Directed by
Attack of the Monsters
- Nobuhiro Kajima
- Miyuki Akiyama
- Chrystopher Murphy
Produced by
Screenplay by
Directed by
Photography by
- Akira Kitazaki
Music by
American Re-Recording
- Titan Productions, Inc.
Directed by
- Bret Morrison
Edited by
- Eli Haviv
The characters and incidents portrayed and the names used herein are fictitious and any similarity to the names, characters or history of any person is entirely coincidental and unintentional.
Gamera vs. Guiron (King Features)
- Nobuhiro Kazima as Akiro
- Miyuki Akiyama as Tomoko
- And Christopher Murphy as Tom
- Yuko Hamada as Koniko
- Eiji Funakoshi as Dr. Shiga
- Kon Omura as Kondo
Produced by
© MCMLXIX Daiei Co. Ltd.
Planning by
- Kazumasa Nakano
Screenplay by
Music by
- Akira Kitazaki
Directed by
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