Matango (1963) credits

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Matango (film)
Image gallery for Matango (film)
Matango (film) soundtrack

The following are transcripts of the Japanese opening credits for Matango, the opening credits of the international export version, and the film's American release, Attack of the Mushroom People. Spelling errors in the latter two have been preserved.

Japanese Version

Produced by

Tomoyuki Tanaka

Original story by

Shinichi Hoshi
Masami Fukushima
from "The Voice in the Night" by William Hope Hodgson

Screenplay by

Takeshi Kimura

Photographed by

Hajime Koizumi

Art director

Shigekazu Ikuno

Recording by

Fumio Yanoguchi

Lighting technician

Seishichi Kojima

Music by

Sadao Bekku

Mixing by

Hisashi Shimonaga

Assistant director

Koji Kajita

Edited by

Reiko Kaneko

Sound effects by

Minoru Kanayama

Processing by

Tokyo Laboratory

Production manager

Shigeru Nakamura

Special effects

Photographed by
Sadamasa Arikawa
Motoyoshi Tomioka
Optical photography by
Yukio Manoda
Yoshiyuki Tokumasa
Art director
Akira Watanabe
Lighting technician
Kuichiro Kishida
Compositing by
Hiroshi Mukoyama
Assistant director
Teruyoshi Nakano
Production manager
Chuji Koike


Akira Kubo
Kumi Mizuno
Hiroshi Koizumi
Kenji Sahara
Hiroshi Tachikawa
Yoshio Tsuchiya
Miki Yashiro
Hideyo Amamoto
Jiro Kumagai
Akio Kusama
Yutaka Oka
Keisuke Yamada
Kazuo Hinata
Katsumi Tezuka
Haruo Nakajima
Tokio Okawa
Koji Uruki
Masaki Shinohara
Kuniyoshi Kashima
Toku Ihara
Mitsuko Hayashi
Tsurue Ichimanji

Director of special effects

Eiji Tsuburaya

Directed by

Ishiro Honda

International Version

Executive Producer

Tomoyuki Tanaka

Screenplay by

Takeshi Kimura

Photographed by

Hajime Koizumi

Music by

Sadao Betsumiya

Assistant Director

Koji Kajita
Akiyoshi Nakano

Assistant Producer

Shigeru Nakamura
Chuji Koike


Akira Kubo
Kumi Mizuno
Hiroshi Koizumi
Kenji Sahara
Hiroshi Tachikawa
Yoshio Tsuchiya
Miki Yashiro
Hideyo Amamoto

Special Effects by

Eiji Tsuburaya

Directed by

Inoshiro Honda

Attack of the Mushroom People

American International Television


© Copyright MCMLXV American International Productions

All Rights Reserved


Akira Kubo
Kumi Mizuno

Directed By

Inoshira Honda


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