Gamera vs. Zigra Credits
Gamera Films | |||||||
The following are transcripts of the translated Japanese credits of Gamera vs. Zigra and the credits for the American version of the film released by King Features Entertainment. The Japanese transcript is taken from Mill Creek's DVD release of the film, and is incomplete.
Produced by
Screenplay by
Photography by
- Akira Uehara
Music by
Film Editor
- Zenko Miyazaki
- Eiko Yanami
- Reiko Kasahara
- Mikiko Tsubouchi
- Koji Fujiyama
- Isamu Saeki
- Shin Minatsu
- Arlene Zoellner
- Gloria Zoellner
Directed by
A Sandy Frank Film Syndication Inc. Presentation
A Daiei Motion Picture Co. Ltd. Production Tokyo, Japan
© MCMLXXI Daiei International Films Inc.
Produced by
Screenplay by
Directed by
Photography by
- Akira Uehara
Special Effects
- Kazuo Fujii
Film Editor
- Zenko Miyazaki
Music by
- Eiko Yanami
- Reiko Kasahara
- Mikiko Tsubouchi
- Koji Fujiyama
- Isamu Saeki
- Shin Minatsu
- Yasushi Sakagami
- Arlene Zoellner
- Gloria Zoellner
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