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Poster for Notzilla
Alternate titles Notzilla, the Duke of Monsters
Planned 2013
Concept history N/A

Notzilla was an unmade 2013 Godzilla spoof that would have been produced by Moriah Media.


The screenplay for Notzilla, written by Mitch Teemley, became the first parody to reach the final round of the Worldfest Contest. Following the competition, Teemley submitted the script to Toho. They were uninterested in making a monster movie spoof, but wished the American creator well with the project.[1] Seeking other investors, he held a script reading at G-Fest in 2010. The story was completely retooled to take place in the United States, and is now in production.

Notzilla, now in production in the U.S., is a parody of late 50s and early 60s monster movies. The story focuses on a professor's attempt to save a Japanese kaiju accidentally set loose in the United States.


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This is a list of references for Notzilla. These citations are used to identify the reliable sources on which this article is based. These references appear inside articles in the form of superscript numbers, which look like this: [1]
