Sandbox:Pachislot Gamera

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Pachislot Gamera
Pachislot Gamera
Developer Sammy
Publisher Sammy
Platforms Pachinko
Languages Japanese
Genre Casino
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Pachislot Gamera is a 2021 Japan-only Pachinko game created by Sammy.


Expectations by enemy monster

Expectations Enemy Monster
LOW Pachislot Gamera Jiger model
Pachislot Gamera Barugon model
Pachislot Gamera Guiron model
Pachislot Gamera Gyaos model
Pachislot Gamera Zigra model
HIGH Pachislot Gamera Viras model

Gamera Attack Pattern

Expectations Gamera attacks
LOW Small Fireball Pachislot Gamera.jpg
Normal sized Fireball Pachislot Gamera.jpg
Rotating Jet Pachislot Gamera.jpg
Big Fireball Pachislot Gamera.jpg
HIGH Oversized Fireball Pachislot Gamera.jpg

Enemies Attack Pattern

Light Attack Example of Light Attack
Heavy Attack Example of Heavy Attack

Back Battle

There are battles where the position of Gamera is different, when this happen, there is the change to win a "Big Bonus".




Promotional Trailer

External links


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Era Icon - Gamera.png
Era Icon - Barugon.png
Era Icon - Gyaos.png
Era Icon - Viras.png
Era Icon - Guiron.png
Era Icon - Jiger.png
Era Icon - Zigra.png